Saturday, March 8, 2014

God loves Uganda...Have you heard the "good" news?

I have been spiritually touched.
And when you're spiritually touched, that light...cannot be burned out.

Why must hate reign this earth?
Why must we cause inequality and hate to be our so called righteousness to God?
Is this really what God would want?

Do you really think that if God were to judge your life right now...He would be proud of you for going to that "Stand for Family and Marriage" parade...and persecuting the LGBT community while you're at it.
Or for proclaiming that all gay men and women were bound to go to Hell.
That who they are is an evil life-style...though some wish they weren't even alive to even experience LIFE.
It does not feel hate who I am.
To hate anyone...because of their race, background, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
And you say it's because it's a sin...
But what really is this "sin" you place upon the hearts of the LGBT community?
Is it because many choose to have sexual relationships without the bondage of marriage, so you're disgusted.
Well, let me remind you...many do not have marriage privileges so they think "Oh what the heck".

And if you're so worried about sex before marriage...why aren't you raising awareness about teenage pregnancies and how to avoid such a thing? Oh, right. Because you're to caught up on HATE.

But did you know that many religious gay women and men choose to be celibate because of personal reasons?
Did you know some end up marrying the opposite sex, because yes...bisexuality is REAL. And it is not a confusion disorder.
Did you know some have stayed celibate until marriage? And have families now?
You ignore that there are chaste gay men and women.
You ignore the fact that they are normal human beings, who just want equality.
You want religious freedom.
But see, legalizing gay marriage will not tell your congregations or churches to permit marriage in their standards...
Legalizing gay marriage will only allow the same people who pay their taxes and are rightful citizens to have the same rights under the law.
And you say "God's law is higher than man".
That's true.
But how do you know for sure what God's law is concerning homosexuality?
Guess what?
You don't.
All you have is the story about the people of Sodomy.
But you must remember, they were evil people because they gang raped others.
Rape in general will always be evil.
But did it say, specifically, that homosexuality was a sin?
No. Never.
And when one scripture in Leviticus will not cut it either.
Because if homosexuality is such a big deal...why didn't Jesus ever mention it?
That's right...He didn't.
Because you know what I think?
I think God is testing us. To see if we will really accept others for who they are. And all comes back to love.
So before you go off, calling me a gay radical...remember this;
I only say these things because I have a message.
A message of acceptance.
Of love.
Of equality.
And is that really so bad?
Nelson Mandela strived for equality.
Martin Luther King did as well.
And let's not forget about Susan B. Anthony.
And many called them equality radicals.
Just recently, the Dalai Lama even opened up about how He feels like gay marriage is "ok".
And even the Pope has made it clear that we must love one another and that He thinks being gay is "ok".
See, the LGBT community and I aren't asking you to change your beliefs. We're asking for equality and acceptance. That is all.
And in the end, don't we all want to be accepted?

That's why I stand for my LGBT men and women in Uganda, who have suffered much affliction and persecution. After watching this trailer, I want you to ask this what God wants? Is this what God loves? And for my LGBT community across the world who are suffering, one day...all your burdens will be lifted. I am here for you. Stay strong.

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