Saturday, February 15, 2014


It's funny. I promised myself I wouldn't blog or talk about human rights. Then I thought to myself. WHAT WAS I THINKING. Change does not come through keeping your beliefs in silence, but to share freely.

So I'd like to share what I think love is.

What's the definition of love?

Some say it's between a man and a woman.

But even if you're straight, that's not true.

See, you love your mother.

You love your sister.

You love your aunt.

You love your grandmother.

And men...

You love your father.

You love your brother.

You love your grandfather.

You love...God.

God is known as a male-figure, yet we use the terms of "falling in love" with Him.

And see, your love for the same sex may not exactly be the same as your love for your other, but somehow in the schemes of things, it is.

Because love has no limits.

Love may be different relationship-wise, but there isn't a right to the point definition of love.

Here is three of a dictionary's definition of love.

  1. feel tender affection for somebody: to feel tender affection for somebody such as a close relative or friend, or for something such as a place, an ideal, or an animal
  2. feel desire for somebody: to feel romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody
  3. like something very much: to like something, or like doing, something very much
Now, you want a biblical reference of love? Don't mind if I do.
 "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love" - 1 John 4:8

It never says in the bible that love is a restriction between a man and woman. Nor does it contest to marriage being between a man and a woman.

This is the definition of marriage according to a published dictionary..."legal relationship between spouses: a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners"

Marriage in this passage isn't restricted to only man and woman but two PEOPLE.

Times are changing, yes. But love is still love.

Why do we tamper with love? Why do we scorn those that just want love?

In Greek language, agape is the highest term of love. It means to be selfless and love unconditionally. Greek is the original language of the New Testament in the Bible. Yet we try to translate the Word of God so us HUMANS can fit together the pieces.

You say homosexuality is wrong because God says so.

If that is true, how did He say so? When? Where?

You cannot answer these questions without stuttering, can't you?

Well, let me share with you what I believe and know what God says about love.

It was a few days before my Sweet Sixteen.

I was in stress, not because of school or family or anything in particular. I was stressed of pretending to be something I wasn't. Hiding myself from the world. The stress of other things just added on to it.

I prayed the night before I would try.
You should know what that means.

Then suddenly, I was struck with an overwhelming feeling of surety that who I was, was okay. It was not a sin. Some people make the argument that it is okay for someone to be gay but you most not act upon those feelings.

Well, I just can't believe that. I am a woman of God, but also a woman who believes in equality and fairness for all under the law. Including God's laws.

And does this sound logical enough for you?

"Yes, yes. We recognize that you are gay, and you don't have any sort of romantic feelings for the opposite sex. But I'm sorry, you must not act upon the feelings you believe you possess. It's God's will, you see."

No, I don't see.

What I do see is hypocrisy.

So you can love whoever you please and marry them as you wish, but I cannot...because of who I am?

Thankfully, I attempted but did not succeed. I realize now I have a duty on this short time on earth. It's to raise awareness and do something for love and equality. To not let spirituality or religion be a blocking wall for all LGBT people. But to let it be a friend to it. A friend that knows no unfairness.

And yet.

They wonder why so many people of LGBT community linger away from religion. I'll tell you why. Because it tries to justify what they think is right without even knowing if it is so.

Like I said, I tried telling myself to stop blogging. To stop uttering what I believe to be right and human. So many people told me it wasn't "safe" for me to voice my opinion. But, it's not my opinion. It's a human instinct. To strive for equality, for all.

And just so you know...

You can whisper about me through the school hallways or the chapel of the church.

You can damn me to hell, it seems as if we're all living in one anyway.

You can drag me into spiritual prison, accusing me of sin after sin.

You can tell me I am not worthy to even be alive.

You can tell me what I believe isn't right.

But nothing you do or say will stop me from advocating human rights.

I'd rather be in spiritual prison, then spiritual heaven...where the people that faked through their whole lives to prove "I'm worthy enough" will live to become even more godly...And they tell us not to lie...But when it comes to your sexuality, go right's the godly thing to do

I don't believe that. I'll never believe that.

And when I am judged by God on my life, my only response will be, agape. Because I loved myself and others with selfless and unconditional love. Love will always be more than enough.

So Happy Be-lated Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoyed yours.

But love isn't just for a lobbied and not to mention commercialized holiday.

It's an everyday ACT.

So, next time you tell me to not ACT upon my feelings.

I'll tell you, I might as well be dead.

Because going through the motions and lying isn't the life I want to live. I want to ACT.

I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights.
I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights.

"I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights." - Ellen DeGeneres

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