Friday, July 11, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Compassion Over Contention
First, I wanted to dedicate this blog to all the Mormons that have suffered with mental and emotional disorders. I also want to dedicate this blog to all my fellow LGBTQ Mormon brothers and sisters. I also want to dedicate to anyone who feels alone. Because you are not alone.
Here are three videos I believe will strengthen your heart, mind, and soul for good. I have drifted away from the church for a time and have regretted it ever since. Please know that God loves you and has so many blessings in store for you. He will keep all His promises if you just hold on. Our dear Prophets and Apostles care for you deeply, and these videos are to help you draw closer to God's sweet doctrine, and most importantly, His Love. These are the videos that saved my life. Let them save yours. Or at least brighten and enlighten your day. :)
As many of you know, the Church has been in the limelight recently due to the decision making of the ex-communication of John Dehlin and Kate Kelly. I know there is a lot of controversy because of this subject so I will try to keep it as peaceful as possible. But I feel impressed to say what is in my heart...
Love. Love is always the answer. It doesn't matter what you read on New York Times. Or what other Mormons say. Or really what you think. Love is always the answer. Jesus Christ is love. And Jesus is the light, the truth, and the way. So let us exemplify Him through this trial, and give love to John and Kate. They are sons and daughters of God, just as you and I, who have opinions...just like you and me. We are not the judge. God is. Does that mean we cannot sustain our Prophet and apostles? No. Does this mean we cannot have our own opinions? No. Does this mean that we cannot disagree with John and Kate? No.
As for me, I empathize and somewhat agree with somethings John and Kate have said. But that is simply my opinion. What saddens me, and I am pretty sure saddens our Heavenly Father, is when we try to assume John and Kate's testimony. When we assume their heavenly outcome. That is what is so saddening. Remember; What you say about others, determines more about YOU then the person you are talking about. Always speak love, never hate.
Now I know because of this limelight, some members of the church are getting scrutinized. More meetings are being held to have an open conversation about these subjects. So I have message for all those who will be minorities in this situation;
I just want to remind all my LGBTQ brothers and sisters and my sisters who are apart of Ordain Women to remember this; You are not alone. God loves you. My prayers are for you, not against you. You have people out there who believe in you. You have Savior who loves you more than you will ever know. Do not feel as though you are isolated. Because even if there will be hurtful things said to you, pay no mind. Because the only opinion that matters is God's. Go to Him for wisdom, strength, and answers. Rely on Him and Christ's atonement to give you peace. And don't leave. Stay. Hold on just a little bit longer. You are loved. You belong.
Now I am not saying who is right and who is wrong. Honestly, I feel that God is the only who can determine that. What I am saying is no matter what, we have to love each other. Cut out the contention. It will only leave us in misery. I would know. I used to always feel the need to be malicious and proud while arguing. I've realized that THAT is the adversary taking his place in our hearts. The Spirit leaves when there is contention. It doesn't matter if you are defending the Prophet or your local leaders or if you're on the other side of the spectrum and you are defending human rights and equality...if there is contention...the Spirit will leave on both sides. And who wants that?
So put forth love and empathy and compassion before anything else. Because that is true courage.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
The Perks of Being a Mother (From a Daughter's Point of View)
I've often contemplated the essence of motherhood. I always looked at it as quite conventional role. I am, as anyone knows, a feminist. But though I am a proud feminist advocate, I've also recently noticed the tender mercies that come with preparing to be a mother.
As I said in my previous blog post, one of my priorities in life is to get married in the temple, ( for those of my friends/blog-readers who aren't Mormon but are interested in learning more about temples go to this site for more information)..., and have my own family. That obviously includes children. I've also pondered on what sort of career I should pursue. Though I love singing, blogging and giving out humanitarian aid, I have to also take in consideration that those careers might not work out. So what's my first priority beyond the career working field where it seems so many people are diving into rather than prioritizing their desire to start a family? Now, don't get me wrong. I understand completely that some people rather not have a family anytime soon because either their not sure just yet or maybe they just don't want to and are content in what they are doing right now. That's awesome! I never, ever feel the need to put down someone else's desires but I am not them. I think, as humans, we should remember that we aren't all the same and though God may have given us all a general plan of Happiness, He probably knew that some parts of that plan weren't meant for certain people. I, on the other hand, realized that some of my temporary whims and wishes and thoughts weren't meant to be. God's ways are always going to be higher than mine. It's something I'm growing more comfortable in accepting. And along this journey in strengthening my connection with the Lord, I realized that one of the foremost things I want to do in my life that God has planned for me is to have the desire of being a mother. And so this blog post will be dedicated to one of the most prestigious jobs any person can have...being a Mother.

I've learned so much from my own mother. She's gone through many trials and tribulations in her life. But she says, as cliche as it sounds, that having me and my sister were the best two decisions in her entire life. My mother also talks a lot about how most of what she does is because it makes her happy. But not in the way we may think.
She says that she doesn't like cooking, but loves cooking for us.
She says that she doesn't like buying my organic vegan food but loves seeing me have compassion over animals, thus is fine with buying some of the foods to help me continue in my compassion.
She says she doesn't like waking up in the early morning, but loves seeing me go off to seminary.
And get this. I always thought my mom was the working type that loves her work without a doubt! But to my surprise she tells me, "If I could be a stay at home mom, I would in a heart beat. This is because sometimes I don't like going to work, but I like to know that I can provide for my daughters and myself".
Now again, hear me out. I am not trying to demean any women who work as a joyful living. I am just simply stating what my mother told me. Believe me, I was shocked! My mother is a hairstylist and has been ever since she was an adolescent. So I was expecting an answer like, "Yeah, I just love my job!" or something along those lines. But I realized something; being a mother is a job too.

A lot of people don't think like that. See, I'm feminist but I can see how being a mother is one of the best ways to show your femininity! Cause let's be honest, ladies...and I'm specifically talking to those who consider themselves can we say we're feminists if we some of us don't embrace our motherly instincts! I think many feel, especially some in the Mormon Church, that some feminists are just out to destroy the title of a mother. Well, let me reassure you; I am a Mormon, a feminist and I want to be a mother when I grow up! I love seeing young mothers just as much as I love seeing successful working mothers or working women out there! They all inspire me! Instead of downgrading other women for their life decisions, how about we see the good in all their ways?
One I learned from my wonderful Mom is that being a mother is one of the best of things you can do. But that sometimes, that doesn't work for everyone! Just don't cross out the slight possibility of becoming a mother. You may be missing out. Just take into consideration. Never say never.
And one thing I'd like to end with; I've noticed something funny. It's like parents have their little gossip groups too. And I've seen parents criticize other parents parenting. AHEM. NOT COOL. One of the joys I think of motherhood is that it doesn't have to be cookie-cutter. You could be a mother who eats every night or one who cooks homemade everyday or one that makes organic vegan recipes with your husband because *cough cough* it's actually really good food. (Just had to pitch in another vegan statement in there). No matter what you do, it's working for your family. So keep on, keeping on! Don't listen to what other parents blabber about. And don't go on blabbering out their parenting either. We're all unique with certain talents, abilities and weaknesses. We can't all be the Brady Bunch, and I'm sure as anything that I don't want MY family to be exactly like the Brady Brunch. So whether your family might be on the conservative side or if your family has Obama Biden stickers on the back of your minivan, I salute you! In particularly the moms! This is also because Mother's Day is coming up soon . :) But in all seriousness, I feel that the joys of Motherhood are boundless and I've learned so much from my Mom that I hope to be like that with my kids.

And so in advance, Happy Mother's days to those hardworking Mothers out there all around the world! Ya'll are basically the reason we exist as humans today. So thank you!
As I said in my previous blog post, one of my priorities in life is to get married in the temple, ( for those of my friends/blog-readers who aren't Mormon but are interested in learning more about temples go to this site for more information)..., and have my own family. That obviously includes children. I've also pondered on what sort of career I should pursue. Though I love singing, blogging and giving out humanitarian aid, I have to also take in consideration that those careers might not work out. So what's my first priority beyond the career working field where it seems so many people are diving into rather than prioritizing their desire to start a family? Now, don't get me wrong. I understand completely that some people rather not have a family anytime soon because either their not sure just yet or maybe they just don't want to and are content in what they are doing right now. That's awesome! I never, ever feel the need to put down someone else's desires but I am not them. I think, as humans, we should remember that we aren't all the same and though God may have given us all a general plan of Happiness, He probably knew that some parts of that plan weren't meant for certain people. I, on the other hand, realized that some of my temporary whims and wishes and thoughts weren't meant to be. God's ways are always going to be higher than mine. It's something I'm growing more comfortable in accepting. And along this journey in strengthening my connection with the Lord, I realized that one of the foremost things I want to do in my life that God has planned for me is to have the desire of being a mother. And so this blog post will be dedicated to one of the most prestigious jobs any person can have...being a Mother.
I've learned so much from my own mother. She's gone through many trials and tribulations in her life. But she says, as cliche as it sounds, that having me and my sister were the best two decisions in her entire life. My mother also talks a lot about how most of what she does is because it makes her happy. But not in the way we may think.
She says that she doesn't like cooking, but loves cooking for us.
She says that she doesn't like buying my organic vegan food but loves seeing me have compassion over animals, thus is fine with buying some of the foods to help me continue in my compassion.
She says she doesn't like waking up in the early morning, but loves seeing me go off to seminary.
And get this. I always thought my mom was the working type that loves her work without a doubt! But to my surprise she tells me, "If I could be a stay at home mom, I would in a heart beat. This is because sometimes I don't like going to work, but I like to know that I can provide for my daughters and myself".
Now again, hear me out. I am not trying to demean any women who work as a joyful living. I am just simply stating what my mother told me. Believe me, I was shocked! My mother is a hairstylist and has been ever since she was an adolescent. So I was expecting an answer like, "Yeah, I just love my job!" or something along those lines. But I realized something; being a mother is a job too.
A lot of people don't think like that. See, I'm feminist but I can see how being a mother is one of the best ways to show your femininity! Cause let's be honest, ladies...and I'm specifically talking to those who consider themselves can we say we're feminists if we some of us don't embrace our motherly instincts! I think many feel, especially some in the Mormon Church, that some feminists are just out to destroy the title of a mother. Well, let me reassure you; I am a Mormon, a feminist and I want to be a mother when I grow up! I love seeing young mothers just as much as I love seeing successful working mothers or working women out there! They all inspire me! Instead of downgrading other women for their life decisions, how about we see the good in all their ways?
One I learned from my wonderful Mom is that being a mother is one of the best of things you can do. But that sometimes, that doesn't work for everyone! Just don't cross out the slight possibility of becoming a mother. You may be missing out. Just take into consideration. Never say never.
And one thing I'd like to end with; I've noticed something funny. It's like parents have their little gossip groups too. And I've seen parents criticize other parents parenting. AHEM. NOT COOL. One of the joys I think of motherhood is that it doesn't have to be cookie-cutter. You could be a mother who eats every night or one who cooks homemade everyday or one that makes organic vegan recipes with your husband because *cough cough* it's actually really good food. (Just had to pitch in another vegan statement in there). No matter what you do, it's working for your family. So keep on, keeping on! Don't listen to what other parents blabber about. And don't go on blabbering out their parenting either. We're all unique with certain talents, abilities and weaknesses. We can't all be the Brady Bunch, and I'm sure as anything that I don't want MY family to be exactly like the Brady Brunch. So whether your family might be on the conservative side or if your family has Obama Biden stickers on the back of your minivan, I salute you! In particularly the moms! This is also because Mother's Day is coming up soon . :) But in all seriousness, I feel that the joys of Motherhood are boundless and I've learned so much from my Mom that I hope to be like that with my kids.

And so in advance, Happy Mother's days to those hardworking Mothers out there all around the world! Ya'll are basically the reason we exist as humans today. So thank you!
Saturday, April 26, 2014
My 3 Top Priorities in Life
So, I feel quite abruptly impressed to share my top 3 priorities in life. I feel it's always enlightening to share your ambitions and aspirations...especially if it has to do with the eternal perspectives of things.
And so, here are my top 3 priorities in my life.
1. To Get Married in the Temple
This may sound so foreign and strange coming from an LG(B)T Mormon but it's true. I've pondered and prayed about it and meditated on it extensively and came to this resolution; For me, family always come first. Now, in my personal opinion, I think "family" shouldn't be defined only through a man and a woman. But for me, in my life, I've decided that I want to marry in the temple and soon after that commence in beginning my family. I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it! God's plan of happiness for me hasn't been the easiest for me to come to terms with but I know it's the only plan that will bring me eternal joy and peace. Take notice that I do cherish and support my fellow LGBT brothers and sisters. I feel that God has a specific plan for each us and generalizing others lives and relationships is just going to stir contention and hardening of the hearts. But if we open up our arms with unconditional love and empathy, we will near closer to God and others and will be exemplifying Christ. But like I said for me, Mrs. and
Mr. is the plan.

2. To Help Others in all that I do and Say
I'm not perfect in any shape or form, but I strive to love every human, animal and living organism out there. One of my many hopeful wishes is to become a Humanitarian and work intensively with third world countries...especially Africa. I don't know why but Africa and the people there have held a special, irrevocable place in my heart. I pray that one day I will get the chance to explore a place where I already imagine to be a second home.
I also, as many already know, love animals. I became vegan recently and loving every minute of it. I did not only for the awesome health benefits but for the lives of so many tortured animals. I'm sorry, and I don't mean to scrutinize meat eaters, but I don't want my body to be a tomb for once living creatures. Ethically, it doesn't seem right to me. I don't look at animals as something we can use for our benefit and our enjoyment but as fellow living neighbors. They have feelings and can feel pain, love and basically all the emotions we feel. That is why I've committed myself from meat and dairy products. Funny, I've honestly lengthened the word of Wisdom for myself. :) But I'm definitely not complaining.
I also strive to defend others, especially those who can't seem to do it for themselves. I'm an activist for anti-bullying, the LGBT community, UNICEF, Suicide awareness, as well as eating and mental disorders. I just feel that I was sent down to give love and empathy and happiness to those around me, instead of tearing them down for their differences. I personally have gone through trials, like anyone else. My trials including bullying, suicide attempts, self-harm issues and an eating disorder. But I got through those hardships by the grace of God and those around me and professional help. And one of my biggest influences that has gone through similar afflictions but is staying strong is Demi Lovato. (If you know me, then you'll understand the immense love and admiration I have for her). She's literally been an angel to me. And by that, I learned that I want to be that for others. I want others to know their not alone and are loved.

3. To Look Like Love
There is a song by a Christian artist, Britt Nicole, and it is called "Look like Love". The lyrics emphasizes the importance of not just believing in our Savior, but exemplifying Him so that we can "look like love". Christ is parallel to the definition of love. He IS love, and it is our duties as His daughters and sons to share His Love, His grace-filled Love to the world. We are His burning lights! Let us go boldly and share His love through not only our words, but deeds.
And as one of the lyrics go...."If I believe there's a Savior, is the proof in me? Is He alive and breathing? Is He what they see when they look at me?"
I plan on asking myself that everyday of my life.

- xo
And so, here are my top 3 priorities in my life.
1. To Get Married in the Temple
This may sound so foreign and strange coming from an LG(B)T Mormon but it's true. I've pondered and prayed about it and meditated on it extensively and came to this resolution; For me, family always come first. Now, in my personal opinion, I think "family" shouldn't be defined only through a man and a woman. But for me, in my life, I've decided that I want to marry in the temple and soon after that commence in beginning my family. I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it! God's plan of happiness for me hasn't been the easiest for me to come to terms with but I know it's the only plan that will bring me eternal joy and peace. Take notice that I do cherish and support my fellow LGBT brothers and sisters. I feel that God has a specific plan for each us and generalizing others lives and relationships is just going to stir contention and hardening of the hearts. But if we open up our arms with unconditional love and empathy, we will near closer to God and others and will be exemplifying Christ. But like I said for me, Mrs. and
Mr. is the plan.

2. To Help Others in all that I do and Say
I'm not perfect in any shape or form, but I strive to love every human, animal and living organism out there. One of my many hopeful wishes is to become a Humanitarian and work intensively with third world countries...especially Africa. I don't know why but Africa and the people there have held a special, irrevocable place in my heart. I pray that one day I will get the chance to explore a place where I already imagine to be a second home.
I also, as many already know, love animals. I became vegan recently and loving every minute of it. I did not only for the awesome health benefits but for the lives of so many tortured animals. I'm sorry, and I don't mean to scrutinize meat eaters, but I don't want my body to be a tomb for once living creatures. Ethically, it doesn't seem right to me. I don't look at animals as something we can use for our benefit and our enjoyment but as fellow living neighbors. They have feelings and can feel pain, love and basically all the emotions we feel. That is why I've committed myself from meat and dairy products. Funny, I've honestly lengthened the word of Wisdom for myself. :) But I'm definitely not complaining.
I also strive to defend others, especially those who can't seem to do it for themselves. I'm an activist for anti-bullying, the LGBT community, UNICEF, Suicide awareness, as well as eating and mental disorders. I just feel that I was sent down to give love and empathy and happiness to those around me, instead of tearing them down for their differences. I personally have gone through trials, like anyone else. My trials including bullying, suicide attempts, self-harm issues and an eating disorder. But I got through those hardships by the grace of God and those around me and professional help. And one of my biggest influences that has gone through similar afflictions but is staying strong is Demi Lovato. (If you know me, then you'll understand the immense love and admiration I have for her). She's literally been an angel to me. And by that, I learned that I want to be that for others. I want others to know their not alone and are loved.
3. To Look Like Love
There is a song by a Christian artist, Britt Nicole, and it is called "Look like Love". The lyrics emphasizes the importance of not just believing in our Savior, but exemplifying Him so that we can "look like love". Christ is parallel to the definition of love. He IS love, and it is our duties as His daughters and sons to share His Love, His grace-filled Love to the world. We are His burning lights! Let us go boldly and share His love through not only our words, but deeds.
And as one of the lyrics go...."If I believe there's a Savior, is the proof in me? Is He alive and breathing? Is He what they see when they look at me?"
I plan on asking myself that everyday of my life.
- xo
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Song of the month..."I am Light"
This is "I Am Light" by India Arie.
Listen, and be enlightened.
Quote of the day...: "I am not the things my family did, I am not the voices in my head, I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside...I am light" - India Arie.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Today... I have too many outspoken opinions to go back to status quo.
I ain't going back.
Now, when speaking of God, His LOVE, abounding love, is SO astronomical. How can He not love a reckless sinner like me?
Maybe, I'm just thinking out loud...but I think God is not exactly doctrinal. I think He is unpredictable, irreverent and far from our standard of perfect. Because I just can't see myself being "perfect" for eternity with the sole prize of celestial glory. I think God is humorous, playfully sarcastic, and I just can't see Him not laugh at one vulgar joke ever...I mean come on. Those are pretty funny. And yes I know. God is good. But what is good exactly? Because it is true that light casts off darkness at most times. But without the darkness, how could we know that the light is good? And if darkness is so bad, why did God choose there to be a night?
I don't think it's because it's an allegory for sin and sadness but a direct reflection of how there is always good in all things no matter what the color or shape or form it is in.
The night is not always bad. It can be illuminating.
Light isn't always good. It can be blinding.
So our own interpretation of good can't always be good.
And our own interpretation of bad can't always be bad.
Maybe what I'm saying right now, God disdains.
He might be contemptuously disapproving my words.
But that possibility doesn't bother me, because I know I am human. I have opinions. I will never be a direct parallel to God. Or to your God. Or any other universal form of deity because guess what...
I am not perfect.
I am not good at all times.
I can be bad.
And that's okay.
It's okay.
All is okay.
And sometimes ALL can suck.
I think we all humans can all agree consciously, subconsciously or just come to know that there is only one universal truth we can all agree on. And it isn't religion. It is...
Love always wins.
You know why?
Because love is not perfect. It's far from it.
And it can be bad and good.
It's not afraid of crossroads.
But it can be scary.
It can be angry, impatient, jealous.
And yet it can kind, gentle and soft.
And we all strive for it, one way or another.
And you know what else?
I think hate roots from love.
Hate seems to be a more aggressive term of love.
Nobody wants to admit that.
So...I don't really know what I'm saying, but I know where I'm coming from.
I'm coming from love.
Where are you from?
And where will you be going?
I may be thinking out loud, but if you think you know for sure.
You're lying.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Bishop's fireside?..More like a bully's playhouse...
I find it funny how so many of the LDS Church Leaders will raise awareness about bullying...but in such a vague way. Except for Dieter F. Uchdorf. But seriously. I just need to rant.
So I went to this Bishop's fireside today. (In simpler terms, for my non-Mormon blog-readers that basically means that we go to our pastor's house and we do some games and learn more about God and his Word) and was just astonished and offended on the profanity that went on. No, it wasn't necessarily crud language...but actually was. Just not the "cuss word" language. More like the language bullies speak; ignorance.
Many people wonder what kind of man I will marry when I grow up. Quick side note.
1) I am gay, so that probably won't happen
2) If I wasn't, it would most likely not be an LDS man, unless by some miracle I find one that isn't like the ones I've seen in this fireside. (But there are definitely good Mormon men in my ward and local church...don't get me wrong.)
And another quick side note before I explain what happened at the fireside.
I remember one day, my sister brought one of her friends to a church youth activity. A nice young man who seemed to forget her name because my sister's friend had been to some activities before, asked her what her name was. One of the other young men in my church, walked by with a sneering expression and said, "loser".
To some that may seem playfully harmless, (Not to me), but to that non-member friend of my sister...she was completely and utterly hurt. She hasn't really come back often due to the fact that she thinks most, not all, but most of the men there are rude.
Hmmmmm. I wonder why.
So, skip back to the fireside that took place today. We played a game and then got some free time to talk to the other youth. Here are just some of things that the youth were saying about others, in particularly what the young men were saying.
"Ha. Look at him. He looks like a serial killer. Don't let him near us."
"Ew. There is a gay reference in the movie Frozen? That shouldn't be for children's eyes."
"Shut up. Nobody cares." (A young man said this repeatedly to me whenever I would voice my opinion...and he was the same one who called my sister's friend a loser...)
"Look, she's so ugly"...
Now don't get me twisted. There are a few, rare good men in our youth program. But I just don't think that's okay.
And it seemed that I was the only one noticing these things and taking some action. Some of them of coarse accused me of being over-sensitive. But am I really? The suicide rates are rising. The eating disorder rates are rising. And so are the bullying.
So, it looks like everyone else is de-sensitizing. Trying to pretend that "it" isn't there. "it" being the sly bullying that goes on in this world today. Even in the walls of our churches.
This, of coarse, is not new. Jesus went through this. He was ridiculed for being who He was...and for defending and loving ones that were known to be "unpopular".
Now, let me just say this. I don't swear. But when it comes to this, it's something I feel strongly about and this subject...I would die for.
I swear, if I had to choose between living a life full of ignoring the real issues of the day like bullying and never being able to defend others...and live a life of complete silence against them...I would rather die.
I am disgusted at the way some youth act like. We need to change this. There has been too many suicides. Too many attempts. Too many lives taken...for such a cause that can be improved.
I am planning definitely to speak to my ward members about this issue. And it isn't just the young men. It's all the youth, including the young women. The ones who snicker at the victimizing comments are just as worse as the one who said those awful words.
And the leaders need to do something about it too. It can't just be me. Or another person...who happens to be a youth as well. LDS leaders...if you see bullying, even a hint, CONFRONT THE PROBLEM. I don't know how much I can stress this enough. I've seen countless of look-aways from the youth leaders that I've become immune to it so much that it feels like I am obligated to take their place and keep things in order. Of coarse, I do not mind this. I love breaking down a bullying situation. But it can't just be one person. It has to be us ALL.
I thought this was the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints.
It is I guess.
Just without the Jesus Christ.
We need to change that.
And we can. It's pretty simple.
And of coarse again, there will be hate for this.
There will always be someone ridiculing someone else because they are taking off the stigma of unpopular taboos.
It's funny too...that we talk so much about how we must be kind. Yet it seems like some of the meanest people come from my own church. I don't know.
It just doesn't feel right.
So help me change this. It doesn't have to be this way. And if you're bully, you can change too. Actually, it was a huge probability that the bully is the way he/she is because they were bullied as well.
Sure, we may not be able to stop all hate...but at least we can try.
And to help motivate's a little video about Ellen Page (ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER) talk in the Human Rights Campaign talk about the work and service of defending others at the TIME TO THRIVE conference. (You may have watched this video before...I just love it so much...)
P.S. Sorry for all the parenthesis quotations.
Be kind to one another.
So I went to this Bishop's fireside today. (In simpler terms, for my non-Mormon blog-readers that basically means that we go to our pastor's house and we do some games and learn more about God and his Word) and was just astonished and offended on the profanity that went on. No, it wasn't necessarily crud language...but actually was. Just not the "cuss word" language. More like the language bullies speak; ignorance.
Many people wonder what kind of man I will marry when I grow up. Quick side note.
1) I am gay, so that probably won't happen
2) If I wasn't, it would most likely not be an LDS man, unless by some miracle I find one that isn't like the ones I've seen in this fireside. (But there are definitely good Mormon men in my ward and local church...don't get me wrong.)
And another quick side note before I explain what happened at the fireside.
I remember one day, my sister brought one of her friends to a church youth activity. A nice young man who seemed to forget her name because my sister's friend had been to some activities before, asked her what her name was. One of the other young men in my church, walked by with a sneering expression and said, "loser".
To some that may seem playfully harmless, (Not to me), but to that non-member friend of my sister...she was completely and utterly hurt. She hasn't really come back often due to the fact that she thinks most, not all, but most of the men there are rude.
Hmmmmm. I wonder why.
So, skip back to the fireside that took place today. We played a game and then got some free time to talk to the other youth. Here are just some of things that the youth were saying about others, in particularly what the young men were saying.
"Ha. Look at him. He looks like a serial killer. Don't let him near us."
"Ew. There is a gay reference in the movie Frozen? That shouldn't be for children's eyes."
"Shut up. Nobody cares." (A young man said this repeatedly to me whenever I would voice my opinion...and he was the same one who called my sister's friend a loser...)
"Look, she's so ugly"...
Now don't get me twisted. There are a few, rare good men in our youth program. But I just don't think that's okay.
And it seemed that I was the only one noticing these things and taking some action. Some of them of coarse accused me of being over-sensitive. But am I really? The suicide rates are rising. The eating disorder rates are rising. And so are the bullying.
So, it looks like everyone else is de-sensitizing. Trying to pretend that "it" isn't there. "it" being the sly bullying that goes on in this world today. Even in the walls of our churches.
This, of coarse, is not new. Jesus went through this. He was ridiculed for being who He was...and for defending and loving ones that were known to be "unpopular".
Now, let me just say this. I don't swear. But when it comes to this, it's something I feel strongly about and this subject...I would die for.
I swear, if I had to choose between living a life full of ignoring the real issues of the day like bullying and never being able to defend others...and live a life of complete silence against them...I would rather die.
I am disgusted at the way some youth act like. We need to change this. There has been too many suicides. Too many attempts. Too many lives taken...for such a cause that can be improved.
I am planning definitely to speak to my ward members about this issue. And it isn't just the young men. It's all the youth, including the young women. The ones who snicker at the victimizing comments are just as worse as the one who said those awful words.
And the leaders need to do something about it too. It can't just be me. Or another person...who happens to be a youth as well. LDS leaders...if you see bullying, even a hint, CONFRONT THE PROBLEM. I don't know how much I can stress this enough. I've seen countless of look-aways from the youth leaders that I've become immune to it so much that it feels like I am obligated to take their place and keep things in order. Of coarse, I do not mind this. I love breaking down a bullying situation. But it can't just be one person. It has to be us ALL.
I thought this was the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints.
It is I guess.
Just without the Jesus Christ.
We need to change that.
And we can. It's pretty simple.
And of coarse again, there will be hate for this.
There will always be someone ridiculing someone else because they are taking off the stigma of unpopular taboos.
It's funny too...that we talk so much about how we must be kind. Yet it seems like some of the meanest people come from my own church. I don't know.
It just doesn't feel right.
So help me change this. It doesn't have to be this way. And if you're bully, you can change too. Actually, it was a huge probability that the bully is the way he/she is because they were bullied as well.
Sure, we may not be able to stop all hate...but at least we can try.
And to help motivate's a little video about Ellen Page (ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER) talk in the Human Rights Campaign talk about the work and service of defending others at the TIME TO THRIVE conference. (You may have watched this video before...I just love it so much...)
P.S. Sorry for all the parenthesis quotations.
Friday, March 21, 2014
My thoughts on Feminism
Before or after you read my blog, make sure to listen to "Reflection" by Christina Aguilera video that I posted at the top. It will bring this blog post to it's full circle.
I've always loved Mulan. She was and still is my favorite Disney princess (with the exception of Elsa from "Frozen").
What I always admired of Mulan though, was her strength and struggles. She obviously wasn't meant to "be the perfect bride, or a perfect daughter". Regardless of sexuality I think, especially as women (particularly Mormon women), we are faced with so much confusion. We are told by some that being a Mother is what we were born to do. But I've come face to face with many women in the church that do not have the desire to become a Mother at all. And they get scrutinized for it. And then we are told by others that it is not your first priority to be a Mother should definitely strive to marry in the temple. But once again, we must recognize the women who do not have the opportunity or just to do not want to get married in the first place. Does that make them any less allegeable to enter into the Kingdom of God? If so, why? Because they happen to not be the cookie-cutter women from the 1950's?
For example, I was really hurt by one of the former Young Women President's statement in a general conference. She may of meant no harm, but I feel that some Leaders in the Church add their biases a little too much than necessary.
"Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity"
Who are...the women of the world? Seriously. So all of a sudden women who are tough are women of the world? What kind of message are you sending for the young women of the younger generation. "Be gentle, never be tough or firm...(add a sexist comment) and don't forget to submit yourselves to your husband". Let's cut the bull. Just because someone is famous or has fortune, doesn't make them any less than the women in church. Just because some women may come off as tough, does make them "worldly" women. And hey you, yeah you! If you're a woman who's struggling with your identity because you are constantly told not to be brave and what your gut tells you! Personally for me, I can't be tender. It just doesn't work for me. Why try to be something your not?
I, for one, am known to be pretty tough. You can just ask my sister. But my sister has told me that if I wasn't tough and firm in my convictions, she would never have the courage to stand for what SHE believes in. Funny. My sister never has ever complimented me on my "tenderness". She actually resents it when I'm too soft...she'll tell me "Come on, Erin. Be brave." BRAVE can be tough or tender. Men can be tough and tender. Children can too. The point is this; Don't define how women should be or act. Define how EVERYONE should act, and make sure to remember that all people aren't the same.
Oh and something else; Stop trying to force all the women in the Church to be nurturers and "tender". We all need understand that we are growing in a world that isn't like it used to be. And sure, we shouldn't conform to the ways of the world. But does that mean we have to give up our personal convictions and personality traits for "tenderness". Um, no. I don't think so.
And one last thing; there are such things as feminists who happen to be Mormon. And for all you housewives extremists, crying out "We hate feminists"....just remember that without wouldn't have the opportunity to vote or even voice your opinion. So, think before you speak.
Now don't get me wrong, if you want to be a stay at home mother, go for it. But don't think your whole life is centered around motherhood.
So, I guess what I am trying to say is yes; I am a feminist. But what woman isn't? I believe feminism is about embracing your womanhood, no matter who you may be or act like. Whether you like dressing up or sporting it out or both...WHO CARES. Just be you. God's got your back.
TO conclude this blogpost, I am assuming you already have watched Mulan.
She is a tough cookie, to say the least. And she was strong as iron. And she wasn't your typical princess either. She went against the norm. Now would you consider her a woman of the world? No. I would consider her a person of STRENGTH and DIGNITY. No matter what religious background you are...You will always be a woman of God. And don't you think any less. Regardless if you're a softie or a tough cookie, you are worthy in God's eyes.
Now this feminist is out. Peace and love. And don't forget to be kind to one another.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Refreshed Introduction of blog, a small rant and a small but brave Canadian...
I have a confession to make *drumroll effect*...I am not perfect. And I am not at all the Mormon you would ever dream of meeting. But I decided, for my new blog readers, that I would refresh who I am and what I believe in. And then...I will go on tiny rant. (I mean duh, what is my blog without a rant...). And some big news. Okay. Here we go.
I am first and foremost Erin Clegg. I am almost seventeen. And yes, I am a blogger. I love to write and sing. If you combine those two wonderful things, you will see that I am a songwriter as well. And I am Mormon. And I love it! But I am definitely not your...hmmm...typical Mormon. I am gay...(I think all of us are just a little bit gay anyway...) and I ain't afraid to say it. What I mean by gay though isn't that I wouldn't see myself with a guy. I just think love knows no gender. This does not seem like a big deal to me. I never realized how profound me coming out would truly be...until I came out. It was kind of like those moments you seem to never forget. (Well, another duh...coming out is pretty huge. It shouldn't be, but it is).
I am also a huge activist. Let me just list all the things I advocate for...
I advocate for...
Marriage Equality
Gender Equality
Animal Rights
Human Rights
Environmental Rights
Immigrant Rights
I am also advocating organizations like...
It Gets Better
Love is Louder
The Gay Christian Network
So...I know that is a lot to take in. And some of you already may know those things about me. But I feel if you never say what you feel and you never show who you are...your life is just a joke. I don't want to spend my life silent to please others. I don't care if I will get hate for it. I rather get hate for something I believe in, then praise for something I don't.
And so if you feel strongly opposing to any of these things or organizations I listed, I suggest you leave my blog because I will not shut up about it. At all.
Many people ask me if I will regret all my "attention seeking" and "disapproving" blog, speeches and opinions. My response must not know about me. I don't do regrets. Everything I say I think is worth saying. It may be wrong and it may be right. But if we only did what seemed right in most other's eyes but wrong in our then can we be truly happy? I find myself the happiest when I stand up for what I believe in and do things to help others and in service to others. I don't feel happy lying to myself of who I am and what I want in my life. So...I guess what I am trying to say is even if I marry a guy and or if I marry a girl, I will still be happy. Even if I have kids or if I don't have kids, I still be happy. Even if I am a stay at home wife or mother or both...I will still be happy. Even if I am not any of those things but have a steady career and all my future cats...I will still be happy. Why? Because I won't be forcing anything. I won't be faking. And right now, I am happy. And it's all because I came to peace with myself and who I am. And I pray that if you don't feel that way yet...that you will get off your butt and look yourself in the mirror and say "Damn, I am beautiful. I am a beautiful human being and spirit. God made me the way I am, and thank goodness He did. I don't need someone to ok all my choices because I am confident in my intentions. And I will always stay strong."
To be honest, you never even needed me to tell you that. But I did,'re welcome. That was sort of the rant. It wasn't so much as an angry rant but something I just needed to get off my chest.
And now for the big surprise. Starting with this blog, I will be doing vlogs (a short video blog) that will only be posted on here...and youtube. So, here ya'll go. The topic is...Inspirational Person of the Day. Check out the vlog below to see who it is!
HINT HINT --- The tiny but brave Canadian is Ellen Page...If you didn't get it already.
xo Be kind to one another xo
- Erin
I am first and foremost Erin Clegg. I am almost seventeen. And yes, I am a blogger. I love to write and sing. If you combine those two wonderful things, you will see that I am a songwriter as well. And I am Mormon. And I love it! But I am definitely not your...hmmm...typical Mormon. I am gay...(I think all of us are just a little bit gay anyway...) and I ain't afraid to say it. What I mean by gay though isn't that I wouldn't see myself with a guy. I just think love knows no gender. This does not seem like a big deal to me. I never realized how profound me coming out would truly be...until I came out. It was kind of like those moments you seem to never forget. (Well, another duh...coming out is pretty huge. It shouldn't be, but it is).
I am also a huge activist. Let me just list all the things I advocate for...
I advocate for...
Marriage Equality
Gender Equality
Animal Rights
Human Rights
Environmental Rights
Immigrant Rights
I am also advocating organizations like...
It Gets Better
Love is Louder
The Gay Christian Network
So...I know that is a lot to take in. And some of you already may know those things about me. But I feel if you never say what you feel and you never show who you are...your life is just a joke. I don't want to spend my life silent to please others. I don't care if I will get hate for it. I rather get hate for something I believe in, then praise for something I don't.
And so if you feel strongly opposing to any of these things or organizations I listed, I suggest you leave my blog because I will not shut up about it. At all.
Many people ask me if I will regret all my "attention seeking" and "disapproving" blog, speeches and opinions. My response must not know about me. I don't do regrets. Everything I say I think is worth saying. It may be wrong and it may be right. But if we only did what seemed right in most other's eyes but wrong in our then can we be truly happy? I find myself the happiest when I stand up for what I believe in and do things to help others and in service to others. I don't feel happy lying to myself of who I am and what I want in my life. So...I guess what I am trying to say is even if I marry a guy and or if I marry a girl, I will still be happy. Even if I have kids or if I don't have kids, I still be happy. Even if I am a stay at home wife or mother or both...I will still be happy. Even if I am not any of those things but have a steady career and all my future cats...I will still be happy. Why? Because I won't be forcing anything. I won't be faking. And right now, I am happy. And it's all because I came to peace with myself and who I am. And I pray that if you don't feel that way yet...that you will get off your butt and look yourself in the mirror and say "Damn, I am beautiful. I am a beautiful human being and spirit. God made me the way I am, and thank goodness He did. I don't need someone to ok all my choices because I am confident in my intentions. And I will always stay strong."
To be honest, you never even needed me to tell you that. But I did,'re welcome. That was sort of the rant. It wasn't so much as an angry rant but something I just needed to get off my chest.
And now for the big surprise. Starting with this blog, I will be doing vlogs (a short video blog) that will only be posted on here...and youtube. So, here ya'll go. The topic is...Inspirational Person of the Day. Check out the vlog below to see who it is!
HINT HINT --- The tiny but brave Canadian is Ellen Page...If you didn't get it already.
xo Be kind to one another xo
- Erin
Saturday, March 8, 2014
God loves Uganda...Have you heard the "good" news?
I have been spiritually touched.
And when you're spiritually touched, that light...cannot be burned out.
Why must hate reign this earth?
Why must we cause inequality and hate to be our so called righteousness to God?
Is this really what God would want?
Do you really think that if God were to judge your life right now...He would be proud of you for going to that "Stand for Family and Marriage" parade...and persecuting the LGBT community while you're at it.
Or for proclaiming that all gay men and women were bound to go to Hell.
That who they are is an evil life-style...though some wish they weren't even alive to even experience LIFE.
It does not feel hate who I am.
To hate anyone...because of their race, background, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
And you say it's because it's a sin...
But what really is this "sin" you place upon the hearts of the LGBT community?
Is it because many choose to have sexual relationships without the bondage of marriage, so you're disgusted.
Well, let me remind you...many do not have marriage privileges so they think "Oh what the heck".
And if you're so worried about sex before marriage...why aren't you raising awareness about teenage pregnancies and how to avoid such a thing? Oh, right. Because you're to caught up on HATE.
But did you know that many religious gay women and men choose to be celibate because of personal reasons?
Did you know some end up marrying the opposite sex, because yes...bisexuality is REAL. And it is not a confusion disorder.
Did you know some have stayed celibate until marriage? And have families now?
You ignore that there are chaste gay men and women.
You ignore the fact that they are normal human beings, who just want equality.
You want religious freedom.
But see, legalizing gay marriage will not tell your congregations or churches to permit marriage in their standards...
Legalizing gay marriage will only allow the same people who pay their taxes and are rightful citizens to have the same rights under the law.
And you say "God's law is higher than man".
That's true.
But how do you know for sure what God's law is concerning homosexuality?
Guess what?
You don't.
All you have is the story about the people of Sodomy.
But you must remember, they were evil people because they gang raped others.
Rape in general will always be evil.
But did it say, specifically, that homosexuality was a sin?
No. Never.
And when one scripture in Leviticus will not cut it either.
Because if homosexuality is such a big deal...why didn't Jesus ever mention it?
That's right...He didn't.
Because you know what I think?
I think God is testing us. To see if we will really accept others for who they are. And all comes back to love.
So before you go off, calling me a gay radical...remember this;
I only say these things because I have a message.
A message of acceptance.
Of love.
Of equality.
And is that really so bad?
Nelson Mandela strived for equality.
Martin Luther King did as well.
And let's not forget about Susan B. Anthony.
And many called them equality radicals.
Just recently, the Dalai Lama even opened up about how He feels like gay marriage is "ok".
And even the Pope has made it clear that we must love one another and that He thinks being gay is "ok".
See, the LGBT community and I aren't asking you to change your beliefs. We're asking for equality and acceptance. That is all.
And in the end, don't we all want to be accepted?
That's why I stand for my LGBT men and women in Uganda, who have suffered much affliction and persecution. After watching this trailer, I want you to ask this what God wants? Is this what God loves? And for my LGBT community across the world who are suffering, one day...all your burdens will be lifted. I am here for you. Stay strong.
And when you're spiritually touched, that light...cannot be burned out.
Why must hate reign this earth?
Why must we cause inequality and hate to be our so called righteousness to God?
Is this really what God would want?
Do you really think that if God were to judge your life right now...He would be proud of you for going to that "Stand for Family and Marriage" parade...and persecuting the LGBT community while you're at it.
Or for proclaiming that all gay men and women were bound to go to Hell.
That who they are is an evil life-style...though some wish they weren't even alive to even experience LIFE.
It does not feel hate who I am.
To hate anyone...because of their race, background, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
And you say it's because it's a sin...
But what really is this "sin" you place upon the hearts of the LGBT community?
Is it because many choose to have sexual relationships without the bondage of marriage, so you're disgusted.
Well, let me remind you...many do not have marriage privileges so they think "Oh what the heck".
And if you're so worried about sex before marriage...why aren't you raising awareness about teenage pregnancies and how to avoid such a thing? Oh, right. Because you're to caught up on HATE.
But did you know that many religious gay women and men choose to be celibate because of personal reasons?
Did you know some end up marrying the opposite sex, because yes...bisexuality is REAL. And it is not a confusion disorder.
Did you know some have stayed celibate until marriage? And have families now?
You ignore that there are chaste gay men and women.
You ignore the fact that they are normal human beings, who just want equality.
You want religious freedom.
But see, legalizing gay marriage will not tell your congregations or churches to permit marriage in their standards...
Legalizing gay marriage will only allow the same people who pay their taxes and are rightful citizens to have the same rights under the law.
And you say "God's law is higher than man".
That's true.
But how do you know for sure what God's law is concerning homosexuality?
Guess what?
You don't.
All you have is the story about the people of Sodomy.
But you must remember, they were evil people because they gang raped others.
Rape in general will always be evil.
But did it say, specifically, that homosexuality was a sin?
No. Never.
And when one scripture in Leviticus will not cut it either.
Because if homosexuality is such a big deal...why didn't Jesus ever mention it?
That's right...He didn't.
Because you know what I think?
I think God is testing us. To see if we will really accept others for who they are. And all comes back to love.
So before you go off, calling me a gay radical...remember this;
I only say these things because I have a message.
A message of acceptance.
Of love.
Of equality.
And is that really so bad?
Nelson Mandela strived for equality.
Martin Luther King did as well.
And let's not forget about Susan B. Anthony.
And many called them equality radicals.
Just recently, the Dalai Lama even opened up about how He feels like gay marriage is "ok".
And even the Pope has made it clear that we must love one another and that He thinks being gay is "ok".
See, the LGBT community and I aren't asking you to change your beliefs. We're asking for equality and acceptance. That is all.
And in the end, don't we all want to be accepted?
That's why I stand for my LGBT men and women in Uganda, who have suffered much affliction and persecution. After watching this trailer, I want you to ask this what God wants? Is this what God loves? And for my LGBT community across the world who are suffering, one day...all your burdens will be lifted. I am here for you. Stay strong.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Demi Lovato's Neon Lights Tour Overview
SO, just recently I got the awesome opportunity to see the wonderful Demi Lovato, live at concert this past Sunday. It was truly amazing and even enlightening. And I loved that day in general. Going to church and getting good vibes then going to the enlightening concert I've ever been to...- it truly was beautiful.
It was funny because my sister and I joked "What better way to keep the Sabbath day holy, by going to the most holiest, cleanest concert there is in mainstream music...- Miss Demi Lovato's concert.
It's true though. It seems as if profanity and vulgarity use, especially on women, have been exploited in today's music industry. Demi though, seems to break that stigma effortlessly. Her modesty, not only externally but inwardly, shined brilliantly. Her vocals and modulations were on key both in literal terms and emotionally. And even her opening acts burst staccatos of feminism and inner-strength. With Fifth Harmony singing "Miss Movin' On" and Little Mix opening with "Salute", you could tell that Demi had a theme for her Neon Lights Tour. Complete and utter feminism. But of coarse, who could forget the lovesick songs that made us all cry. Those too though, had a apparent glow to them. Demi stood confident and her independence illuminated the whole room. The energy there was so positive. It was almost tangible.
It was also so heartwarming to see Demi talk about real, social issues in the world. She wasn't holding anything back. I recall her saying "Let us pray for Venezuela right now." And she went on a speech about what was happening there right now and how we would be singing for them tonight. And then she sang "Warrior" and towards the end she sang "Now they are warriors, they have thicker skin, they are warriors and you can never hurt them again..." It was really touching, to see a Hollywood figure stand out by just recognizing the real problems in the world, and not shunning them away under the rug.
She also, of coarse, rose awareness about mental illnesses and how to break the stigma off of eating disorders, self-harm and depression. Now that hit the core for me personally because I always saw her tweeting and facebook-ing about such issues...but to see her actually speak concerning these things, live in person, it was really empathizing. I really could feel this connection with her. I've always been a Lovatic (A hard-core fan of Demi)...but to actually witness it in real was just spectacular.
My mom seemed to enjoy it as well. She told me after we got home that Demi was the best role model she's ever witnessed for teenagers. And those hating on the hair, can just step back because it's flawless. I agree.
My sister was going crazy and she said she loved it so much, she'd do it again. AGREED.
I'm so glad I could experience this with my family and one of my truest friends. It was truly a blessing, and though it was raining outside, the atmosphere inside the stadium was warm. Thank you, Demi! STAY STRONG. xo.

It was funny because my sister and I joked "What better way to keep the Sabbath day holy, by going to the most holiest, cleanest concert there is in mainstream music...- Miss Demi Lovato's concert.
It's true though. It seems as if profanity and vulgarity use, especially on women, have been exploited in today's music industry. Demi though, seems to break that stigma effortlessly. Her modesty, not only externally but inwardly, shined brilliantly. Her vocals and modulations were on key both in literal terms and emotionally. And even her opening acts burst staccatos of feminism and inner-strength. With Fifth Harmony singing "Miss Movin' On" and Little Mix opening with "Salute", you could tell that Demi had a theme for her Neon Lights Tour. Complete and utter feminism. But of coarse, who could forget the lovesick songs that made us all cry. Those too though, had a apparent glow to them. Demi stood confident and her independence illuminated the whole room. The energy there was so positive. It was almost tangible.
It was also so heartwarming to see Demi talk about real, social issues in the world. She wasn't holding anything back. I recall her saying "Let us pray for Venezuela right now." And she went on a speech about what was happening there right now and how we would be singing for them tonight. And then she sang "Warrior" and towards the end she sang "Now they are warriors, they have thicker skin, they are warriors and you can never hurt them again..." It was really touching, to see a Hollywood figure stand out by just recognizing the real problems in the world, and not shunning them away under the rug.
She also, of coarse, rose awareness about mental illnesses and how to break the stigma off of eating disorders, self-harm and depression. Now that hit the core for me personally because I always saw her tweeting and facebook-ing about such issues...but to see her actually speak concerning these things, live in person, it was really empathizing. I really could feel this connection with her. I've always been a Lovatic (A hard-core fan of Demi)...but to actually witness it in real was just spectacular.
My mom seemed to enjoy it as well. She told me after we got home that Demi was the best role model she's ever witnessed for teenagers. And those hating on the hair, can just step back because it's flawless. I agree.
My sister was going crazy and she said she loved it so much, she'd do it again. AGREED.
I'm so glad I could experience this with my family and one of my truest friends. It was truly a blessing, and though it was raining outside, the atmosphere inside the stadium was warm. Thank you, Demi! STAY STRONG. xo.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Same Love
This blog post will be quite simple but informative. I will simply put up the lyrics of Macklemore's "Same Love" song. I'll be doing this one Sunday a month. It will be Lullaby Sunday and what I feel people need to learn and grasp from the lyrics. So enjoy...
Read more: Macklemore - Same Love Lyrics | MetroLyrics
[Verse 1: Macklemore]
When I was in the 3rd grade
I thought that I was gay
Cause I could draw, my uncle was
And I kept my room straight
I told my mom, tears rushing down my face
She's like, "Ben you've loved girls since before pre-K"
Trippin', yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she
A bunch of stereotypes all in my head
I remember doing the math like
"Yeah, I'm good a little league"
A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
For those who like the same sex had the characteristics
The right-wing conservatives think it's a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition
Playing God
Ahh nah, here we go
America the brave
Still fears, what, we don't know
And God loves all His children
Is somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written
35 hundred years ago
Don't know
When I was in the 3rd grade
I thought that I was gay
Cause I could draw, my uncle was
And I kept my room straight
I told my mom, tears rushing down my face
She's like, "Ben you've loved girls since before pre-K"
Trippin', yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she
A bunch of stereotypes all in my head
I remember doing the math like
"Yeah, I'm good a little league"
A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
For those who like the same sex had the characteristics
The right-wing conservatives think it's a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition
Playing God
Ahh nah, here we go
America the brave
Still fears, what, we don't know
And God loves all His children
Is somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written
35 hundred years ago
Don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 2: Macklemore]
If I was gay
I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately
"Man that's gay"
Gets dropped on the daily
We've become so numb to what we're sayin'
Our culture founded from oppression
Yeah, we don't have acceptance for 'em
Call each other faggots
Behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate
Yet our genre still ignores it
Gay is synonymous with the lesser
It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion
Gender and skin color
Complexion of your pigment
The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins
It's human rights for everybody
There is no difference
Live on! And be yourself!
When I was in church
They taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service
Those words aren't anointed
And that Holy Water
That you soak in
Is then poisoned
When everyone else
Is more comfortable
Remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans
That have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same
But that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal
Damn right I support it
I don't know
If I was gay
I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately
"Man that's gay"
Gets dropped on the daily
We've become so numb to what we're sayin'
Our culture founded from oppression
Yeah, we don't have acceptance for 'em
Call each other faggots
Behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate
Yet our genre still ignores it
Gay is synonymous with the lesser
It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion
Gender and skin color
Complexion of your pigment
The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins
It's human rights for everybody
There is no difference
Live on! And be yourself!
When I was in church
They taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service
Those words aren't anointed
And that Holy Water
That you soak in
Is then poisoned
When everyone else
Is more comfortable
Remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans
That have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same
But that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal
Damn right I support it
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 3: Macklemore]
We press play
Don't press pause
Progress, march on!
With a veil over our eyes
We turn our back on the cause
'Till the day
That my uncles can be united by law
Kids are walkin' around the hallway
Plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful
Someone would rather die
Than be who they are
And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
About time that we raised up
We press play
Don't press pause
Progress, march on!
With a veil over our eyes
We turn our back on the cause
'Till the day
That my uncles can be united by law
Kids are walkin' around the hallway
Plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful
Someone would rather die
Than be who they are
And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
About time that we raised up
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Outro: Mary Lambert]
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is patient (not cryin' on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays) [x5]
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is patient (not cryin' on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays) [x5]
Read more: Macklemore - Same Love Lyrics | MetroLyrics
When I was in the 3rd grade
I thought that I was gay
Cause I could draw, my uncle was
And I kept my room straight
I told my mom, tears rushing down my face
She's like, "Ben you've loved girls since before pre-K"
Trippin', yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she
A bunch of stereotypes all in my head
I remember doing the math like
"Yeah, I'm good at little league"
A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
For those who like the same sex had the characteristics
The right-wing conservatives think its a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition
Playing God
Ahh nah, here we go
America the brave
Still fears what we don't know
And God loves all His children
And somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written
3,500 hundred years ago
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 2: Macklemore]
If I was gay
I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately
"Man that's gay"
Gets dropped on the daily
We've become so numb to what we're sayin'
A culture founded from oppression
Yet, we don't have acceptance for 'em
Call each other faggots
Behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate
Yet our genre still ignores it
Gay is synonymous with the lesser
It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion
Gender and skin color
The complexion of your pigment
The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins
Human rights for everybody
There is no difference
Live on! And be yourself!
When I was in church
They taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service
Those words aren't anointed
And that Holy Water
That you soak in
has been poisoned
When everyone else
Is more comfortable
Remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans
That have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same
But that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal
Damn right I support it
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 3: Macklemore]
We press play
Don't press pause
Progress, march on!
With a veil over our eyes
We turn our back on the cause
'Till the day
That my uncles can be united by law
Kids are walkin' around the hallway
Plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful
Someone would rather die
Than be who they are
And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
About time that we raised up
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Outro: Mary Lambert]
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is patient (not cryin' on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays) [x5]
I thought that I was gay
Cause I could draw, my uncle was
And I kept my room straight
I told my mom, tears rushing down my face
She's like, "Ben you've loved girls since before pre-K"
Trippin', yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she
A bunch of stereotypes all in my head
I remember doing the math like
"Yeah, I'm good at little league"
A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
For those who like the same sex had the characteristics
The right-wing conservatives think its a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition
Playing God
Ahh nah, here we go
America the brave
Still fears what we don't know
And God loves all His children
And somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written
3,500 hundred years ago
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 2: Macklemore]
If I was gay
I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately
"Man that's gay"
Gets dropped on the daily
We've become so numb to what we're sayin'
A culture founded from oppression
Yet, we don't have acceptance for 'em
Call each other faggots
Behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate
Yet our genre still ignores it
Gay is synonymous with the lesser
It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion
Gender and skin color
The complexion of your pigment
The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins
Human rights for everybody
There is no difference
Live on! And be yourself!
When I was in church
They taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service
Those words aren't anointed
And that Holy Water
That you soak in
has been poisoned
When everyone else
Is more comfortable
Remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans
That have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same
But that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal
Damn right I support it
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 3: Macklemore]
We press play
Don't press pause
Progress, march on!
With a veil over our eyes
We turn our back on the cause
'Till the day
That my uncles can be united by law
Kids are walkin' around the hallway
Plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful
Someone would rather die
Than be who they are
And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
About time that we raised up
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Outro: Mary Lambert]
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is patient (not cryin' on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays) [x5]
When I was in the 3rd grade
I thought that I was gay
Cause I could draw, my uncle was
And I kept my room straight
I told my mom, tears rushing down my face
She's like, "Ben you've loved girls since before pre-K"
Trippin', yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she
A bunch of stereotypes all in my head
I remember doing the math like
"Yeah, I'm good at little league"
A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
For those who like the same sex had the characteristics
The right-wing conservatives think its a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition
Playing God
Ahh nah, here we go
America the brave
Still fears what we don't know
And God loves all His children
And somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written
3,500 hundred years ago
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 2: Macklemore]
If I was gay
I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately
"Man that's gay"
Gets dropped on the daily
We've become so numb to what we're sayin'
A culture founded from oppression
Yet, we don't have acceptance for 'em
Call each other faggots
Behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate
Yet our genre still ignores it
Gay is synonymous with the lesser
It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion
Gender and skin color
The complexion of your pigment
The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins
Human rights for everybody
There is no difference
Live on! And be yourself!
When I was in church
They taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service
Those words aren't anointed
And that Holy Water
That you soak in
has been poisoned
When everyone else
Is more comfortable
Remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans
That have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same
But that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal
Damn right I support it
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 3: Macklemore]
We press play
Don't press pause
Progress, march on!
With a veil over our eyes
We turn our back on the cause
'Till the day
That my uncles can be united by law
Kids are walkin' around the hallway
Plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful
Someone would rather die
Than be who they are
And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
About time that we raised up
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Outro: Mary Lambert]
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is patient (not cryin' on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays) [x5]
I thought that I was gay
Cause I could draw, my uncle was
And I kept my room straight
I told my mom, tears rushing down my face
She's like, "Ben you've loved girls since before pre-K"
Trippin', yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she
A bunch of stereotypes all in my head
I remember doing the math like
"Yeah, I'm good at little league"
A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
For those who like the same sex had the characteristics
The right-wing conservatives think its a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition
Playing God
Ahh nah, here we go
America the brave
Still fears what we don't know
And God loves all His children
And somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written
3,500 hundred years ago
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 2: Macklemore]
If I was gay
I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately
"Man that's gay"
Gets dropped on the daily
We've become so numb to what we're sayin'
A culture founded from oppression
Yet, we don't have acceptance for 'em
Call each other faggots
Behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate
Yet our genre still ignores it
Gay is synonymous with the lesser
It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion
Gender and skin color
The complexion of your pigment
The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins
Human rights for everybody
There is no difference
Live on! And be yourself!
When I was in church
They taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service
Those words aren't anointed
And that Holy Water
That you soak in
has been poisoned
When everyone else
Is more comfortable
Remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans
That have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same
But that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal
Damn right I support it
I don't know
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Verse 3: Macklemore]
We press play
Don't press pause
Progress, march on!
With a veil over our eyes
We turn our back on the cause
'Till the day
That my uncles can be united by law
Kids are walkin' around the hallway
Plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful
Someone would rather die
Than be who they are
And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
About time that we raised up
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]
[Outro: Mary Lambert]
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is patient (not cryin' on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays) [x5]
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
My Views on The Legalization of Marijuana
I'm going to make this sweet, potent and short.
I think marijuana SHOULD be legalized.
Because people are currently smoking weed illegally.
And they do not care.
If we seriously permit tobacco to be smoked, why not marijuana?
No deaths I have heard of, have come from smoking marijuana.
Let me tell you what weed does to you.
1) Weed makes you high...
2) Weed makes you hungry...
3) Weed makes you horny...
4) Weed makes you sleepy...
Do these effects sound lethal to you?
And sometimes, depending on the cannabis, some kind allow certain people to focus better.
Now you might be wondering why I care about this subject.
I care about this subject because I do not think it is right that marijuana is illegal. It does not have such negative effects as alcohol and tobacco, yet those two deadly drugs are legal.
Yet, I also believe in moderation. I think too much of something will always be a bad thing.
So I find it quite hypocritical that the law and many anti-drug advocates call for illegalization of marijuana, when they probably drink soda.
Too much of soda can have a negative effect on someone's life long health. Why not ban soda? Soda also contains caffeine. Caffeine is considered a drug. Might as well ban that as well.
Oh wait, but then that means the cops can't enjoy their daily coffee run, am I correct?
And again, there is no extensive harm from marijuana, taken moderately. Of coarse smoking in general will cause some damage to the lungs, but so does too much dairy. Might as well ban that as well.
And I might as well add that, hypothetically speaking of coarse, if I smoke marijuana and I get high and decide "Nah, weed isn't that great. I may try it again in a few months, but it was a good experience". Would you say weed is an addictive drug?
Anything can be addictive.
The internet can be QUITE addictive. Are you seriously going to ban that too?
Now do you see my point here?
I am not justifying that marijuana is this healthy option and that everyone should chime in. I know of many people that get hooked on marijuana then get hitched on other drugs.
What I am saying is it is not right that we incarcerate kids who just want to get high.
Let me put it like this...They say "Marijuana can ruin your life, so if we catch you with it, you will be sentenced to jail...and we will ruin your life in replacement!"
The only real danger I see marijuana possessing, is being caught with it.
So yes, I believe weed should be legalized.
We have criminals strolling through the streets, but a few teenagers in jail for experimenting with marijuana? Does that make sense to anyone? Doesn't to me.
Anything that is used too much, can be a bad thing.
But potheads honestly have never harmed anyone.
Usually, they stay home because they're too high to do anything except maybe express themselves artistically, listen to some good music, and go to sleep.
Now does that sound like a lethal drug that should be illegalized?
Think about it.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
It's funny. I promised myself I wouldn't blog or talk about human rights. Then I thought to myself. WHAT WAS I THINKING. Change does not come through keeping your beliefs in silence, but to share freely.
So I'd like to share what I think love is.
What's the definition of love?
Some say it's between a man and a woman.
But even if you're straight, that's not true.
See, you love your mother.
You love your sister.
You love your aunt.
You love your grandmother.
And men...
You love your father.
You love your brother.
You love your grandfather.
You love...God.
God is known as a male-figure, yet we use the terms of "falling in love" with Him.
And see, your love for the same sex may not exactly be the same as your love for your other, but somehow in the schemes of things, it is.
Because love has no limits.
Love may be different relationship-wise, but there isn't a right to the point definition of love.
Here is three of a dictionary's definition of love.
"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love" - 1 John 4:8
It never says in the bible that love is a restriction between a man and woman. Nor does it contest to marriage being between a man and a woman.
This is the definition of marriage according to a published dictionary..."legal relationship between spouses: a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners"
Marriage in this passage isn't restricted to only man and woman but two PEOPLE.
Times are changing, yes. But love is still love.
Why do we tamper with love? Why do we scorn those that just want love?
In Greek language, agape is the highest term of love. It means to be selfless and love unconditionally. Greek is the original language of the New Testament in the Bible. Yet we try to translate the Word of God so us HUMANS can fit together the pieces.
You say homosexuality is wrong because God says so.
If that is true, how did He say so? When? Where?
You cannot answer these questions without stuttering, can't you?
Well, let me share with you what I believe and know what God says about love.
It was a few days before my Sweet Sixteen.
I was in stress, not because of school or family or anything in particular. I was stressed of pretending to be something I wasn't. Hiding myself from the world. The stress of other things just added on to it.
I prayed the night before I would try.
You should know what that means.
Then suddenly, I was struck with an overwhelming feeling of surety that who I was, was okay. It was not a sin. Some people make the argument that it is okay for someone to be gay but you most not act upon those feelings.
Well, I just can't believe that. I am a woman of God, but also a woman who believes in equality and fairness for all under the law. Including God's laws.
And does this sound logical enough for you?
"Yes, yes. We recognize that you are gay, and you don't have any sort of romantic feelings for the opposite sex. But I'm sorry, you must not act upon the feelings you believe you possess. It's God's will, you see."
No, I don't see.
What I do see is hypocrisy.
So you can love whoever you please and marry them as you wish, but I cannot...because of who I am?
Thankfully, I attempted but did not succeed. I realize now I have a duty on this short time on earth. It's to raise awareness and do something for love and equality. To not let spirituality or religion be a blocking wall for all LGBT people. But to let it be a friend to it. A friend that knows no unfairness.
And yet.
They wonder why so many people of LGBT community linger away from religion. I'll tell you why. Because it tries to justify what they think is right without even knowing if it is so.
Like I said, I tried telling myself to stop blogging. To stop uttering what I believe to be right and human. So many people told me it wasn't "safe" for me to voice my opinion. But, it's not my opinion. It's a human instinct. To strive for equality, for all.
And just so you know...
You can whisper about me through the school hallways or the chapel of the church.
You can damn me to hell, it seems as if we're all living in one anyway.
You can drag me into spiritual prison, accusing me of sin after sin.
You can tell me I am not worthy to even be alive.
You can tell me what I believe isn't right.
But nothing you do or say will stop me from advocating human rights.
I'd rather be in spiritual prison, then spiritual heaven...where the people that faked through their whole lives to prove "I'm worthy enough" will live to become even more godly...And they tell us not to lie...But when it comes to your sexuality, go right's the godly thing to do
I don't believe that. I'll never believe that.
And when I am judged by God on my life, my only response will be, agape. Because I loved myself and others with selfless and unconditional love. Love will always be more than enough.
So Happy Be-lated Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoyed yours.
But love isn't just for a lobbied and not to mention commercialized holiday.
It's an everyday ACT.
So, next time you tell me to not ACT upon my feelings.
I'll tell you, I might as well be dead.
Because going through the motions and lying isn't the life I want to live. I want to ACT.
"I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights." - Ellen DeGeneres
So I'd like to share what I think love is.
What's the definition of love?
Some say it's between a man and a woman.
But even if you're straight, that's not true.
See, you love your mother.
You love your sister.
You love your aunt.
You love your grandmother.
And men...
You love your father.
You love your brother.
You love your grandfather.
You love...God.
God is known as a male-figure, yet we use the terms of "falling in love" with Him.
And see, your love for the same sex may not exactly be the same as your love for your other, but somehow in the schemes of things, it is.
Because love has no limits.
Love may be different relationship-wise, but there isn't a right to the point definition of love.
Here is three of a dictionary's definition of love.
- feel tender affection for somebody: to feel tender affection for somebody such as a close relative or friend, or for something such as a place, an ideal, or an animal
- feel desire for somebody: to feel romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody
- like something very much: to like something, or like doing, something very much
"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love" - 1 John 4:8
It never says in the bible that love is a restriction between a man and woman. Nor does it contest to marriage being between a man and a woman.
This is the definition of marriage according to a published dictionary..."legal relationship between spouses: a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners"
Marriage in this passage isn't restricted to only man and woman but two PEOPLE.
Times are changing, yes. But love is still love.
Why do we tamper with love? Why do we scorn those that just want love?
In Greek language, agape is the highest term of love. It means to be selfless and love unconditionally. Greek is the original language of the New Testament in the Bible. Yet we try to translate the Word of God so us HUMANS can fit together the pieces.
You say homosexuality is wrong because God says so.
If that is true, how did He say so? When? Where?
You cannot answer these questions without stuttering, can't you?
Well, let me share with you what I believe and know what God says about love.
It was a few days before my Sweet Sixteen.
I was in stress, not because of school or family or anything in particular. I was stressed of pretending to be something I wasn't. Hiding myself from the world. The stress of other things just added on to it.
I prayed the night before I would try.
You should know what that means.
Then suddenly, I was struck with an overwhelming feeling of surety that who I was, was okay. It was not a sin. Some people make the argument that it is okay for someone to be gay but you most not act upon those feelings.
Well, I just can't believe that. I am a woman of God, but also a woman who believes in equality and fairness for all under the law. Including God's laws.
And does this sound logical enough for you?
"Yes, yes. We recognize that you are gay, and you don't have any sort of romantic feelings for the opposite sex. But I'm sorry, you must not act upon the feelings you believe you possess. It's God's will, you see."
No, I don't see.
What I do see is hypocrisy.
So you can love whoever you please and marry them as you wish, but I cannot...because of who I am?
Thankfully, I attempted but did not succeed. I realize now I have a duty on this short time on earth. It's to raise awareness and do something for love and equality. To not let spirituality or religion be a blocking wall for all LGBT people. But to let it be a friend to it. A friend that knows no unfairness.
And yet.
They wonder why so many people of LGBT community linger away from religion. I'll tell you why. Because it tries to justify what they think is right without even knowing if it is so.
Like I said, I tried telling myself to stop blogging. To stop uttering what I believe to be right and human. So many people told me it wasn't "safe" for me to voice my opinion. But, it's not my opinion. It's a human instinct. To strive for equality, for all.
And just so you know...
You can whisper about me through the school hallways or the chapel of the church.
You can damn me to hell, it seems as if we're all living in one anyway.
You can drag me into spiritual prison, accusing me of sin after sin.
You can tell me I am not worthy to even be alive.
You can tell me what I believe isn't right.
But nothing you do or say will stop me from advocating human rights.
I'd rather be in spiritual prison, then spiritual heaven...where the people that faked through their whole lives to prove "I'm worthy enough" will live to become even more godly...And they tell us not to lie...But when it comes to your sexuality, go right's the godly thing to do
I don't believe that. I'll never believe that.
And when I am judged by God on my life, my only response will be, agape. Because I loved myself and others with selfless and unconditional love. Love will always be more than enough.
So Happy Be-lated Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoyed yours.
But love isn't just for a lobbied and not to mention commercialized holiday.
It's an everyday ACT.
So, next time you tell me to not ACT upon my feelings.
I'll tell you, I might as well be dead.
Because going through the motions and lying isn't the life I want to live. I want to ACT.
I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights.
I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights.
"I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights." - Ellen DeGeneres
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
I'm Not Crying On Sundays
I'm Not Crying On Erin Clegg
I'm not crying on sundays
Even when the priests, and the pastors
And the so-called believers
Judge me through their woven mind
Mentally arresting me with a demeanor
that they think I committed
I can almost hear them say
You have the right to be silent
Silence is never a privilege,
it's a sickness
And they say they want religious freedom
But they've forgotten, I'm still a religious believer too
And I want freedom
To love who I want to
Is that so bad, after all?
Some say "it's enough that we tolerate you
You don't need a marriage certificate
To confirm your evil sinning
You already have enough rights"
But do I?
I may have rights, but you have more
And you say it's because the bible says so?
Well, what about the Atheists, they have the freedom to not believe
And we not only tolerate them, but give them all their rights, rightly
And you call them Sinners, for not believing God
But you'll still allow them to have the right to carry on
Now I'm not saying anything of it
I want freedom for all
But that also includes me, even if you believe I'm just a messed up sinner
After all
Isn't stealing a sin as well? And if all sin is equal before God, then that is
YOUR sin
You stole away MY choice, MY right, MY faith
Because my faith is in a God, who loves me nonetheless
Loves me so much
He wouldn't care less
Who I marry
If I have kids
If I wear a dress, or khaki pants to Church
Or if I hold hands with another girl
Now I agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion
But my rights have been stolen, and I have the right to fight for them
Just like the oppression days, their still surprisingly going on today,
us people of color had to face
Our children years from now
Will look back
At our generation and shake their heads
They'll react to us as we do to racists
"They were so stupid. How could they do such a thing?"
Now I am not saying the rights of marriage equality, and
trying to stop LGBT bullying, all bullying actually,
is the same fight that those twenty years ago face
Even now today,
What I'm saying is that generally, we all have the same dream
To live in a world where everybody could be free
No matter what race, ethnicity
Background, social status
Or sexual orientation
And see
No matter if gay marriage is legalized or not
It's not just going to make the gay people stop
It's not like people will stop being gay
That's like asking a brunette to change into a blonde or a ginger
And hey
Sure they can dye their hair, trying to hide their true colors
But dye fades away, and so do lies...they uncover
Land Of The Free
The Greatest nation on Earth
Makes me sick
You're lying to yourself when you say that the United States
is everything and all those things
You say it's a free country
Doesn't look like that to me
Uncle Sam seems to be holding back the rights of many tax-payers
See, we're paying for legality for your wedding day
And we're paying our tithing to the church that doesn't permit us to even
have a wedding day
And if we want to be married and have a family,
We have to move to other states
Just to have the approval
Just to settle down
Just to build a life
Just to be us
Sounds like Land of the Bondage to me
And the pharaoh is you
Because you won't let me and my people go
We are slaves to the homophobic conservatives
Anybody really,
Who scorns us
And some of us are to scared to riot, to fight for our rights then
They take the toll of dying
Killing themselves not out of fear, but tiredness
Tired of being told to live their lives right
And they damn tried
So instead, they tried
And they won
A victory of death
But the victory doesn't go to the victim
It goes to you, yes you
You who didn't accept them when they were alive
But now you're crying, screaming why
And I can hear intolerants all over again
"Keep your love life separate, and out of the bonds of marriage,
and you will have equality"
But see separation will never, ever
Be equivalent to equality
We should know this by now
Yet we're rewinding history
Remember when preachers back then would go to the bible
to confirm that African-Americans had no worth? And that
separation from them was the key to live a holy life
I don't want to get deep in that
Makes my skin crawl just to think about that
And I bet you're cringing back
Let's talk positive
We still have ways to go
If we keep relying on this bible and other religious texts to know
what's lawful, then why is their religious freedom? So that we can
all follow what that book teaches?
Didn't you notice it also say in the bible that women must be silent in churches?
Oh yeah, 1 Corinthians 14:34...Yet no one wants to talk about the sexism in that verse
But everyone wants to talk about how homosexuality is wrong, when that was said in
the Old testament is one bias verse,
and when they are many scriptures that referenced
that eating red meats should not be accepted
And that their was a certain way to treat the Sabbath
And to make animal sacrifices to Jesus
But we don't do that
Do we?
Because frankly, it's outdated
So stop relying on a scripture from a man who was sinner too
Just because your religious, doesn't mean your sinless
So let's turn away from religion
And just think
Law is the law, and you don't have to agree
That's what civil disobedience is for
Now, true
You have the freedom of speech
But once your speech contradicts humanity
Then you're speech is slightly off key
Let's just breathe
Do you actually think
If gay marriage was legalized, it would be
How about...better
Again, you don't have to agree
You can say in your church you think it's morally wrong
But religion should never govern the law
We can build a nation on godly standards
But see it depends
What God, you believe in
You see
So just let us be free
Because sooner or later, things are going to get... ugly
I can see it now
Take the time now
To think over what freedom really means
What you really believe
Because me or her or him, being gay
won't stop making you straight
And just because you're straight
doesn't mean you're straight-up
No matter what you believe,
we all embrace freedom
So let's make peace
And hey,
I'm not crying on Sundays
I still go to Church, trying my best
Making mistakes, learning from everything
Keeping on that truth spectrum
Never regretting,
But never denying, who I love
Boy or Girl
It's all the same
If we base it on
And so when you see me on sunday,
Just know I ain't crying
I'm not justifying
I don't need to justify love for others
That's what humans do
- Erin Clegg
I'm not crying on sundays
Even when the priests, and the pastors
And the so-called believers
Judge me through their woven mind
Mentally arresting me with a demeanor
that they think I committed
I can almost hear them say
You have the right to be silent
Silence is never a privilege,
it's a sickness
And they say they want religious freedom
But they've forgotten, I'm still a religious believer too
And I want freedom
To love who I want to
Is that so bad, after all?
Some say "it's enough that we tolerate you
You don't need a marriage certificate
To confirm your evil sinning
You already have enough rights"
But do I?
I may have rights, but you have more
And you say it's because the bible says so?
Well, what about the Atheists, they have the freedom to not believe
And we not only tolerate them, but give them all their rights, rightly
And you call them Sinners, for not believing God
But you'll still allow them to have the right to carry on
Now I'm not saying anything of it
I want freedom for all
But that also includes me, even if you believe I'm just a messed up sinner
After all
Isn't stealing a sin as well? And if all sin is equal before God, then that is
YOUR sin
You stole away MY choice, MY right, MY faith
Because my faith is in a God, who loves me nonetheless
Loves me so much
He wouldn't care less
Who I marry
If I have kids
If I wear a dress, or khaki pants to Church
Or if I hold hands with another girl
Now I agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion
But my rights have been stolen, and I have the right to fight for them
Just like the oppression days, their still surprisingly going on today,
us people of color had to face
Our children years from now
Will look back
At our generation and shake their heads
They'll react to us as we do to racists
"They were so stupid. How could they do such a thing?"
Now I am not saying the rights of marriage equality, and
trying to stop LGBT bullying, all bullying actually,
is the same fight that those twenty years ago face
Even now today,
What I'm saying is that generally, we all have the same dream
To live in a world where everybody could be free
No matter what race, ethnicity
Background, social status
Or sexual orientation
And see
No matter if gay marriage is legalized or not
It's not just going to make the gay people stop
It's not like people will stop being gay
That's like asking a brunette to change into a blonde or a ginger
And hey
Sure they can dye their hair, trying to hide their true colors
But dye fades away, and so do lies...they uncover
Land Of The Free
The Greatest nation on Earth
Makes me sick
You're lying to yourself when you say that the United States
is everything and all those things
You say it's a free country
Doesn't look like that to me
Uncle Sam seems to be holding back the rights of many tax-payers
See, we're paying for legality for your wedding day
And we're paying our tithing to the church that doesn't permit us to even
have a wedding day
And if we want to be married and have a family,
We have to move to other states
Just to have the approval
Just to settle down
Just to build a life
Just to be us
Sounds like Land of the Bondage to me
And the pharaoh is you
Because you won't let me and my people go
We are slaves to the homophobic conservatives
Anybody really,
Who scorns us
And some of us are to scared to riot, to fight for our rights then
They take the toll of dying
Killing themselves not out of fear, but tiredness
Tired of being told to live their lives right
And they damn tried
So instead, they tried
And they won
A victory of death
But the victory doesn't go to the victim
It goes to you, yes you
You who didn't accept them when they were alive
But now you're crying, screaming why
And I can hear intolerants all over again
"Keep your love life separate, and out of the bonds of marriage,
and you will have equality"
But see separation will never, ever
Be equivalent to equality
We should know this by now
Yet we're rewinding history
Remember when preachers back then would go to the bible
to confirm that African-Americans had no worth? And that
separation from them was the key to live a holy life
I don't want to get deep in that
Makes my skin crawl just to think about that
And I bet you're cringing back
Let's talk positive
We still have ways to go
If we keep relying on this bible and other religious texts to know
what's lawful, then why is their religious freedom? So that we can
all follow what that book teaches?
Didn't you notice it also say in the bible that women must be silent in churches?
Oh yeah, 1 Corinthians 14:34...Yet no one wants to talk about the sexism in that verse
But everyone wants to talk about how homosexuality is wrong, when that was said in
the Old testament is one bias verse,
and when they are many scriptures that referenced
that eating red meats should not be accepted
And that their was a certain way to treat the Sabbath
And to make animal sacrifices to Jesus
But we don't do that
Do we?
Because frankly, it's outdated
So stop relying on a scripture from a man who was sinner too
Just because your religious, doesn't mean your sinless
So let's turn away from religion
And just think
Law is the law, and you don't have to agree
That's what civil disobedience is for
Now, true
You have the freedom of speech
But once your speech contradicts humanity
Then you're speech is slightly off key
Let's just breathe
Do you actually think
If gay marriage was legalized, it would be
How about...better
Again, you don't have to agree
You can say in your church you think it's morally wrong
But religion should never govern the law
We can build a nation on godly standards
But see it depends
What God, you believe in
You see
So just let us be free
Because sooner or later, things are going to get... ugly
I can see it now
Take the time now
To think over what freedom really means
What you really believe
Because me or her or him, being gay
won't stop making you straight
And just because you're straight
doesn't mean you're straight-up
No matter what you believe,
we all embrace freedom
So let's make peace
And hey,
I'm not crying on Sundays
I still go to Church, trying my best
Making mistakes, learning from everything
Keeping on that truth spectrum
Never regretting,
But never denying, who I love
Boy or Girl
It's all the same
If we base it on
And so when you see me on sunday,
Just know I ain't crying
I'm not justifying
I don't need to justify love for others
That's what humans do
- Erin Clegg
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