It was funny because my sister and I joked "What better way to keep the Sabbath day holy, by going to the most holiest, cleanest concert there is in mainstream music...- Miss Demi Lovato's concert.
It's true though. It seems as if profanity and vulgarity use, especially on women, have been exploited in today's music industry. Demi though, seems to break that stigma effortlessly. Her modesty, not only externally but inwardly, shined brilliantly. Her vocals and modulations were on key both in literal terms and emotionally. And even her opening acts burst staccatos of feminism and inner-strength. With Fifth Harmony singing "Miss Movin' On" and Little Mix opening with "Salute", you could tell that Demi had a theme for her Neon Lights Tour. Complete and utter feminism. But of coarse, who could forget the lovesick songs that made us all cry. Those too though, had a apparent glow to them. Demi stood confident and her independence illuminated the whole room. The energy there was so positive. It was almost tangible.
It was also so heartwarming to see Demi talk about real, social issues in the world. She wasn't holding anything back. I recall her saying "Let us pray for Venezuela right now." And she went on a speech about what was happening there right now and how we would be singing for them tonight. And then she sang "Warrior" and towards the end she sang "Now they are warriors, they have thicker skin, they are warriors and you can never hurt them again..." It was really touching, to see a Hollywood figure stand out by just recognizing the real problems in the world, and not shunning them away under the rug.
She also, of coarse, rose awareness about mental illnesses and how to break the stigma off of eating disorders, self-harm and depression. Now that hit the core for me personally because I always saw her tweeting and facebook-ing about such issues...but to see her actually speak concerning these things, live in person, it was really empathizing. I really could feel this connection with her. I've always been a Lovatic (A hard-core fan of Demi)...but to actually witness it in real was just spectacular.
My mom seemed to enjoy it as well. She told me after we got home that Demi was the best role model she's ever witnessed for teenagers. And those hating on the hair, can just step back because it's flawless. I agree.
My sister was going crazy and she said she loved it so much, she'd do it again. AGREED.
I'm so glad I could experience this with my family and one of my truest friends. It was truly a blessing, and though it was raining outside, the atmosphere inside the stadium was warm. Thank you, Demi! STAY STRONG. xo.
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