Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Today... I have too many outspoken opinions to go back to status quo.


I ain't going back.

Now, when speaking of God, His LOVE, abounding love, is SO astronomical. How can He not love a reckless sinner like me?

Maybe, I'm just thinking out loud...but I think God is not exactly doctrinal. I think He is unpredictable, irreverent and far from our standard of perfect. Because I just can't see myself being "perfect" for eternity with the sole prize of celestial glory. I think God is humorous, playfully sarcastic, and I just can't see Him not laugh at one vulgar joke ever...I mean come on. Those are pretty funny. And yes I know. God is good. But what is good exactly? Because it is true that light casts off darkness at most times. But without the darkness, how could we know that the light is good? And if darkness is so bad, why did God choose there to be a night?

I don't think it's because it's an allegory for sin and sadness but a direct reflection of how there is always good in all things no matter what the color or shape or form it is in.

The night is not always bad. It can be illuminating.
Light isn't always good. It can be blinding.

So our own interpretation of good can't always be good.
And our own interpretation of bad can't always be bad.

Maybe what I'm saying right now, God disdains.

He might be contemptuously disapproving my words.

But that possibility doesn't bother me, because I know I am human. I have opinions. I will never be a direct parallel to God. Or to your God. Or any other universal form of deity because guess what...

I am not perfect.

I am not good at all times.

I can be bad.

And that's okay.

It's okay.

All is okay.
And sometimes ALL can suck.

I think we all humans can all agree consciously, subconsciously or just come to know that there is only one universal truth we can all agree on. And it isn't religion. It is...


Love always wins.

You know why?

Because love is not perfect. It's far from it.
And it can be bad and good.
It's not afraid of crossroads.
But it can be scary.
It can be angry, impatient, jealous.
And yet it can kind, gentle and soft.

And we all strive for it, one way or another.

And you know what else?
I think hate roots from love.

Hate seems to be a more aggressive term of love.

Nobody wants to admit that.

So...I don't really know what I'm saying, but I know where I'm coming from.

I'm coming from love.

Where are you from?

And where will you be going?

I may be thinking out loud, but if you think you know for sure.

You're lying.

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