As I said in my previous blog post, one of my priorities in life is to get married in the temple, ( for those of my friends/blog-readers who aren't Mormon but are interested in learning more about temples go to this site for more information)..., and have my own family. That obviously includes children. I've also pondered on what sort of career I should pursue. Though I love singing, blogging and giving out humanitarian aid, I have to also take in consideration that those careers might not work out. So what's my first priority beyond the career working field where it seems so many people are diving into rather than prioritizing their desire to start a family? Now, don't get me wrong. I understand completely that some people rather not have a family anytime soon because either their not sure just yet or maybe they just don't want to and are content in what they are doing right now. That's awesome! I never, ever feel the need to put down someone else's desires but I am not them. I think, as humans, we should remember that we aren't all the same and though God may have given us all a general plan of Happiness, He probably knew that some parts of that plan weren't meant for certain people. I, on the other hand, realized that some of my temporary whims and wishes and thoughts weren't meant to be. God's ways are always going to be higher than mine. It's something I'm growing more comfortable in accepting. And along this journey in strengthening my connection with the Lord, I realized that one of the foremost things I want to do in my life that God has planned for me is to have the desire of being a mother. And so this blog post will be dedicated to one of the most prestigious jobs any person can have...being a Mother.
I've learned so much from my own mother. She's gone through many trials and tribulations in her life. But she says, as cliche as it sounds, that having me and my sister were the best two decisions in her entire life. My mother also talks a lot about how most of what she does is because it makes her happy. But not in the way we may think.
She says that she doesn't like cooking, but loves cooking for us.
She says that she doesn't like buying my organic vegan food but loves seeing me have compassion over animals, thus is fine with buying some of the foods to help me continue in my compassion.
She says she doesn't like waking up in the early morning, but loves seeing me go off to seminary.
And get this. I always thought my mom was the working type that loves her work without a doubt! But to my surprise she tells me, "If I could be a stay at home mom, I would in a heart beat. This is because sometimes I don't like going to work, but I like to know that I can provide for my daughters and myself".
Now again, hear me out. I am not trying to demean any women who work as a joyful living. I am just simply stating what my mother told me. Believe me, I was shocked! My mother is a hairstylist and has been ever since she was an adolescent. So I was expecting an answer like, "Yeah, I just love my job!" or something along those lines. But I realized something; being a mother is a job too.
A lot of people don't think like that. See, I'm feminist but I can see how being a mother is one of the best ways to show your femininity! Cause let's be honest, ladies...and I'm specifically talking to those who consider themselves can we say we're feminists if we some of us don't embrace our motherly instincts! I think many feel, especially some in the Mormon Church, that some feminists are just out to destroy the title of a mother. Well, let me reassure you; I am a Mormon, a feminist and I want to be a mother when I grow up! I love seeing young mothers just as much as I love seeing successful working mothers or working women out there! They all inspire me! Instead of downgrading other women for their life decisions, how about we see the good in all their ways?
One I learned from my wonderful Mom is that being a mother is one of the best of things you can do. But that sometimes, that doesn't work for everyone! Just don't cross out the slight possibility of becoming a mother. You may be missing out. Just take into consideration. Never say never.
And one thing I'd like to end with; I've noticed something funny. It's like parents have their little gossip groups too. And I've seen parents criticize other parents parenting. AHEM. NOT COOL. One of the joys I think of motherhood is that it doesn't have to be cookie-cutter. You could be a mother who eats every night or one who cooks homemade everyday or one that makes organic vegan recipes with your husband because *cough cough* it's actually really good food. (Just had to pitch in another vegan statement in there). No matter what you do, it's working for your family. So keep on, keeping on! Don't listen to what other parents blabber about. And don't go on blabbering out their parenting either. We're all unique with certain talents, abilities and weaknesses. We can't all be the Brady Bunch, and I'm sure as anything that I don't want MY family to be exactly like the Brady Brunch. So whether your family might be on the conservative side or if your family has Obama Biden stickers on the back of your minivan, I salute you! In particularly the moms! This is also because Mother's Day is coming up soon . :) But in all seriousness, I feel that the joys of Motherhood are boundless and I've learned so much from my Mom that I hope to be like that with my kids.

And so in advance, Happy Mother's days to those hardworking Mothers out there all around the world! Ya'll are basically the reason we exist as humans today. So thank you!
great insight! great post.