Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why Same-Sex Marriage...WHY NOT?

I know I've been blogging a lot recently but it's because I just can't keep my mouth shut about what I believe in. Sorry. Ain't gonna happen. And if you're so worried about how ungodly my blog is, why are you reading it? Because it is inevitable to not think about the equality that humans should have. And that is what my blog is all about. It's about encouraging and sharing equality and my life story. If you don't like it, then all I can do is shrug and give you an "Oh well." Because frankly, I think it's quite hypocritical for those against gay marriage to say they have the constitutional right to go against it yet when those who are for it start speaking support the conservative Mormons chant "THE DEVIL. IT'S THE DEVIL. DO NOT SPEAK." Last time I checked, gay marriage is centered around love and having an opportunity to share that love with someone you care about. Yeah, Satan is definitely for a chaste marriage between two people. And another thing. When conservative Mormons throw this in my face "Well, if you truly want to be happy eternally in a marriage, it has to be through a man and a woman". Oh really? Last time I checked a marriage between a man and a woman is getting their ranks in divorce higher than ever before. "About 1% of the total number of currently-married or registered same-sex couples get divorced each year, in comparison to about 2% of the total number of married straight couples. Note that the percentage of couples that get divorced eventually is close to 50%, but only 1% or 2% of them get divorced in any particular year." So there's that. And another thing; Why is the Church so fixated upon condemning gay marriage? Why not abortion? Why not rape? Why not sexism? Why not sex-trafficking? Oh, that's right because "being gay is against God's will". If it's against God's will, why is it that many LDS LGBT members, when they prayed to God to know if they were to keep their sexuality hidden or asked God about it, say that they received confirmation that God loved them nonetheless and it didn't matter what sexual orientation they are because He loves them either way? And thus, if God love us so much, why would He condemn His LGBT children to be married to the person they love? Because it'll make them the long run? Ha, I don't think so. I was NOT happy when I was keeping my sexuality a secret. I was actually depressed. Now I've overcame that...Oh but now you're telling me it's okay to be gay but it's not okay to get married to your partner? HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE.

Another thing. The LDS church has made their support on single men and women apparent. They say they uphold respect for them. That's great and all but isn't marriage an eternal principle in the Church? Yet they permit a member not to get married because hey, they don't want to get married. PLUS, we have agency. Well that's just honky-dory, isn't it? But if we have so-called "agency" why is the Church working so hard to prevent gay marriage? "Because it's God's law that is higher than man's" Well okay, yeah sure. Then why not strive to end abortion laws? Oh right. Because the brethren are fixated on ending gay marriage. Well, I'm sorry but that doesn't make sense to me. At all. If you consider gay marriage a sin, that's your problem. But why spend so much time condemning it and not so much time concentrating on sins that DO affect humanity. And don't get me started on the procreation argument. There will always be straight people because people don't choose to be gay, and neither do they choose to be straight so obviously humanity will keep on going. And plus, women in who are gay and have a partner can still get pregnant through the wonders of science. So your argument is invalid.

Here's an excerpt from an article that basically sums it up: "But of all of the political issues that the Brethren could have gotten their knickers in a twist over,  why same-sex marriage?  Why not condemn the unholy alliance between public and private interests?  Why not address the problems with skyrocketing poverty and inequality?  Why not be in indignation over human rights abuses?  Or here’s a good one, why not issue a statement on the abuse and exploitations of girls and women?  I just don’t think same-sex marriage is worthy of moral outrage.  Its not exploitative, its not cruel, it doesn’t create poverty, its not a precursor for war, excessive corporatism, or exploitative economics, its not mean, its not intolerant, its not sexist, its not abusive, its not a social disease and it won’t steal your car or hold you at knife point.   Heck, it doesn’t even deny the existence of God.   Its simply the legal formalization of a monogamous relationship of choice.  And lets face it, its  going to happen anyway because  its a nonsense to assume that we can completely turn off our sexual orientation, and thus who we end up loving."

And so what's your argument? That "family is ordained by God?" HECK YEAH IT'S BY GOD. But what I don't get is why it has to be between a man and a woman. The church teaches that what we feel on earth won't be done away with in the afterlife. Soooo....if I know I am gay......and the church says it's okay to be gay....but I can't marry my partner...because it's against God's will.....why would God make me gay in the first place? To be single all eternity? Because hey, I ain't going to start liking boys in the afterlife. Seeing God isn't going to change the fact that you're gay. You can't choose to be gay or straight. If the Church recognizes that, how come they don't permit gay marriage? And so, the hypothetical theories begin; When I meet God and He judges me I just really can't imagine Him saying..."Hey Erin, You lived your life worthily when it came down to following Christ and the Church and I happen to know you're gay, because I made you that way. But wait, see you married someone you loved and had a family...when I said you couldn't. So you can't come into heaven. Bye". Yeah because that sounds like such a loving God we talk about at Church all the time.

This is what I know...God loves all His children and I am gay, because I am gay. I just can't see God not wanting me to have a family and to find someone I love because of my sexual orientation. It just seems so NOT God. Just like how Joseph Smith's brother, Hyrum, couldn't see God not allowing people without the knowledge of Him and His true church to meet Him again, I cannot see God not allowing two people who love each other to LOVE.

And plus, I can mention the mistakes of the Church like polygamy, which I think should be taken as a serious sin instead of gay marriage. Like, come on. Letting a man have as many wives as He pleases is just disgusting. And don't even try to defend the Church by saying it was "God's will" at the time. If it was, I still wouldn't believe it. Women aren't toys you can just share. I would think God had more respect for us women than that. And you can say all you want..."it was to preserve the women because many were husbandless..." Well couldn't they have just taken them in under they wing...why did they have to have sex with them for goodness sakes. But that is another topic, for another time.

All I'm trying to say is the church is not perfect, God is. And we have agency. I can marry whoever I want and if my Maker truly will punish me for doing so, then let it happen. But I don't think God is like that. I promise a few years our children's children will be saying..."First racial discrimination then sexual orientation? Why does everyone need have the need to hate?" And they will shake their heads at us. Think about that.


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