Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Letting go, Letting God...(And a temporary goodbye)...

I guess somehow I started a so-called cyber riot and I've confronted issues with the firmness and dedication so much that I have consequently caused a stir of aggravation against me. All I really have to say is "oh well" and shrug. I stand by my words and my beliefs and by who I know I am; I believe in God, and that He loves me and all His children equally. I fully believe in the words and teachings in the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon. I am, yes, Mormon. And call me human, but I disagree with a few teachings of the church, which is my sole opinion.  I am, what you could call, label-less. That means my sexuality has no preference but I do want to start my own family and yes *gasp*, want to have a husband. As I've stated before many times, right now at this moment I am not interested in a relationship with a guy. I really don't get why that is getting so much negative hype. It's like everyone encourages you to speak your mind and how you feel and tell the truth, but once you do the world is against you once again. I've gained a greater knowledge of the saying that goes, "Let go, Let God"...

I admit I have been quite, how may I say, aggressive when it comes to the topic of equality but that is only because I just can't see myself not defending people's rights. I grew up in a biracial family, with inter-racial parents, and by the stories my Mother has told me about her experiences with inequality, it has always been my desire to be that beacon and support to those who lack a sense of pride of who they are.

Oh and by the way, I lost count of how many disapproving glares I've received from many of you who do not agree with what I believe in. But if you're intention is to make me feel guilty, you have failed. I am quite content with my life right now and I stand by my words with conviction. OH, and for those trying to convince my family they have an unstable daughter who needs rehabilitation, you have once again failed miserably. My family like my mother, aunt and sister stand by my side. They may have differing views on a few topics, but they love me nonetheless. It's people like them that causes me to backtrack my irreverent and judgmental thoughts against anyone who does not fully support what I support. They are full of love and compassion that I can look past our differences and see that I too love them nonetheless.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am not going to be on this blog or  Facebook that very often any more. But wait, if you're already smiling with a sneering satisfaction because my controversial posts have bothered you, wait for this; I am currently working on my memoir and a book to help LGBT teenagers, specifically those who are Mormons, understand how precious they are and how to deal with the many conflictions that are brought upon them. So hopefully now you are feeling sour towards me. (I enjoy seeing my work come to place, and my haters squinting their eyes with their pouting lips). But as the Christian woman I am, I hope the best for everyone who tried to tell me otherwise. I am learning how to let go and let God. In fact, it was God who gave me peace in my heart recently, and He is the same God that makes things go in full circles.

I believe in karma. I really don't have to sit here blogging about how mean and cruel anti-gay groups, bullies and racists are, because God is the judge and I am not. Yet, that doesn't mean I won't shut up. Like my mama always said "Let your dress and countenance be elegant, let your words be soft but firm, and always stand for what you believe in without wavering in doubt" ( She said this in Spanish, which I might add sounds even more classier then it does in English). I may still struggle with "soft words", which I am working on. But I will not just shut up and keep shut so I can keep some people happy. I am not at all a people-pleaser nor do I intend to be one, ever. If you don't like it, why in the world are you reading my blog?

Anyway, as I said "Let go and let God". God is so good. Sometimes I get frustrated because I can't just have a normal conversation with Him and ask Him questions and expect a verbal answer back with Him physically there. But that would throw His plan for us. We only got ourselves and the help from God. We can't rely on Him so much that we lose our individuality. But we also can't stray too far from Him that we forget where we came from. So I am letting go, and I hope you guys will too. I didn't mean to offend anyone, but if I did, I will not apologize. :) Thanks. I'll be back to blogging soon before you know it.

                                Good bye, farewell, we'll meet again.

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