And so, here are my top 3 priorities in my life.
1. To Get Married in the Temple
This may sound so foreign and strange coming from an LG(B)T Mormon but it's true. I've pondered and prayed about it and meditated on it extensively and came to this resolution; For me, family always come first. Now, in my personal opinion, I think "family" shouldn't be defined only through a man and a woman. But for me, in my life, I've decided that I want to marry in the temple and soon after that commence in beginning my family. I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it! God's plan of happiness for me hasn't been the easiest for me to come to terms with but I know it's the only plan that will bring me eternal joy and peace. Take notice that I do cherish and support my fellow LGBT brothers and sisters. I feel that God has a specific plan for each us and generalizing others lives and relationships is just going to stir contention and hardening of the hearts. But if we open up our arms with unconditional love and empathy, we will near closer to God and others and will be exemplifying Christ. But like I said for me, Mrs. and
Mr. is the plan.

2. To Help Others in all that I do and Say
I'm not perfect in any shape or form, but I strive to love every human, animal and living organism out there. One of my many hopeful wishes is to become a Humanitarian and work intensively with third world countries...especially Africa. I don't know why but Africa and the people there have held a special, irrevocable place in my heart. I pray that one day I will get the chance to explore a place where I already imagine to be a second home.
I also, as many already know, love animals. I became vegan recently and loving every minute of it. I did not only for the awesome health benefits but for the lives of so many tortured animals. I'm sorry, and I don't mean to scrutinize meat eaters, but I don't want my body to be a tomb for once living creatures. Ethically, it doesn't seem right to me. I don't look at animals as something we can use for our benefit and our enjoyment but as fellow living neighbors. They have feelings and can feel pain, love and basically all the emotions we feel. That is why I've committed myself from meat and dairy products. Funny, I've honestly lengthened the word of Wisdom for myself. :) But I'm definitely not complaining.
I also strive to defend others, especially those who can't seem to do it for themselves. I'm an activist for anti-bullying, the LGBT community, UNICEF, Suicide awareness, as well as eating and mental disorders. I just feel that I was sent down to give love and empathy and happiness to those around me, instead of tearing them down for their differences. I personally have gone through trials, like anyone else. My trials including bullying, suicide attempts, self-harm issues and an eating disorder. But I got through those hardships by the grace of God and those around me and professional help. And one of my biggest influences that has gone through similar afflictions but is staying strong is Demi Lovato. (If you know me, then you'll understand the immense love and admiration I have for her). She's literally been an angel to me. And by that, I learned that I want to be that for others. I want others to know their not alone and are loved.
3. To Look Like Love
There is a song by a Christian artist, Britt Nicole, and it is called "Look like Love". The lyrics emphasizes the importance of not just believing in our Savior, but exemplifying Him so that we can "look like love". Christ is parallel to the definition of love. He IS love, and it is our duties as His daughters and sons to share His Love, His grace-filled Love to the world. We are His burning lights! Let us go boldly and share His love through not only our words, but deeds.
And as one of the lyrics go...."If I believe there's a Savior, is the proof in me? Is He alive and breathing? Is He what they see when they look at me?"
I plan on asking myself that everyday of my life.
- xo