Me again :). I'm experiencing one of those days where the Spirit is so strong, it's tangible. And when that happens, I GOT to blog. Anyway it's been a roller coaster ever since my recovery. As you probably all know I attempted suicide this past summer...but that is NOT what I want to talk about. I want to talk about my RECOVERY. It's amazing, experiencing life with Jesus to guide me. I've let go and let God. It's truly a blessing. I've been totally healthy, eating wise. And I ain't talking about diet healthy. I'm talking MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH. Something I think is way more important than counting calories, for sure. And I am so glad I did not take my life away. That someone very dear to my heart stopped me from making the biggest mistake EVER. And that is my Lord Jesus Christ. I thank Him, for another opportunity to live with joy and laughter and sunshine and even rain. Because on the rainiest days, is where we all become humble and pray for the Sun. When we realize the sun has already shone....the Sun is us. We illuminate the world through CHRIST. I'm feeling giddy and joyful even typing right now because I am so happy to be alive. It's just so electrifying and yet humbling to know God wanted us to make mistakes and learn to become more like HIM. God, it's crazy that you love me so much that you'd sent you're perfect Son to die for me and let me live the way I want to live. But God, I want to live the way YOU want me to live. I surrender to you. Amen....
I know, I just did a prayer of thanksgiving to God during a blog post. Can't better on blogger than THAT. :) And I just wanna say this....GENERAL CONFERENCE IS THIS FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. This is just so exciting for me! It's my first general conference is COMPLETE RECOVERY. I am so, WE ARE SO BLESSED to have revelation coming out of the anointed ones such as Prophet Thomas S. Monson and his beloved apostles. We are so blessed to be in the last latter days and that we have the restored gospel. YAY. It makes me smile even thinking about it. Thank you Joseph Smith for restoring the true gospel down to the earth....truly is the best blessing.

And how the Book of Mormon has been a blessing to me as well. It has gotten me through so much these past four months. I LOVE Nephi 8:12 " And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great ajoy; wherefore, I began to be bdesirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was cdesirable above all other fruit. " That fruit is the CHRIST. Christ is should be our only one desire and once we partake the goodness and deliciousness of Christ and what He can bring into our lives, we will change and thus change the world around us. The tree is the baring of God's love that He so abundantly gives. Thus that is why the fruit is Christ's love...because it is directly from God's love. God displayed His everlasting love and affection to us through sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die and atone for our sins. And Christ should His consuming life through freely offering Himself unto God, for OUR SAKE. Jesus loves us so much! It just baffles me. It's just breathtaking.
Anyway, I hope everyone will get a chance to watch General Conference. It really is the most wonderful time of the year....and plus Christmas. :) I'd like to thank everyone who was given me prayers and thoughts and have been such good friends to me through my recovery. And I can't wait to finish this year off right. By STAYING in recovery. God is so good. It makes me wanna dance, actually. :) Stand and be not moved! Live life and love God! Judge not and love one another. Just some encouraging phrases for me to follow and everyone who is reading this. Peace and love. And stay strong!

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