Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Me and me and me..oh and preachy stuff!

SO, HI! :) My name is Erin Clegg. I can't wait to get blogging. Some people suggested tumblr but I thought that would be a little cliche and went on here! I wanted my first blog to be an introduction of ME. A little self-centered, huh? Eh, I don't care. I'm such a silly goose.


 One of the many things about me is I am a singer and songwriter. I've been singing ever since I was 8. Recently though, I've realized that God has given me this gift for a reason. That reason isn't to become famous or get millions of fans over a love song but to praise him, worship and pour out my brokenness through lyrical inspiration and pour out my revelations from the Lord himself! This was the biggest revelation God has given me! When I first had this encounter with God, I was "Uhm, God?" and God responded, "Yes, Erin?". Then I burst out in tears, telling Him I wasn't worthy to do this kind of assignment. I thought I wasn't worthy to even sing a song about Him. (Because of a struggling affliction of sin I was going through). But do you know what He said? He said, "Erin, I love you for you, not for what you did. This the reason why I sent my only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you. Because I love you and I want you to improve and I want you to tell the whole world about the LDS church through music and revelation and example!"


                Now for awhile, I accepted this. I repented for what I did and went along with it. But deep inside I know something was holding me back. When I was writing worship songs or singing them or performing or WHATEVER, I was singing it because I thought the song was pretty and had a good meaning. I wasn't singing it for praise or for worship. I was just making noise. See, I know a lot of you enjoy music. Right? So, when you listen to music don't you sometime fall in this trance where you don't listen to the lyrics or the meaning, you just think it sounds good? That's what was happening to me. I would sing and sing and sing about Jesus, but I didn't feel anything.

              I then came to the conclusion that I needed to change my perspective and change it fast! It says in the bible that worship is supposed to be meaningful and in the spirit and you must lay everything aside, and focus on the Lord and Jesus Christ and what Jesus has done for you. I forgot about this. Completely. It also says that if you sang a song, without any wholesome or Godly worth it in, then it is just noise. Worship is not JUST for SINGERS. It is for people who can't sing! My sister asked me, "Erin, how can I can worship? I don't sing very well." (which was a lie, since she can sing very well). I told her "Worship is not a genre of music, it is a sacred act we take upon ourselves. To praise and thank the Lord. Even sometimes repent. And if you can't sing, who cares! God sees you, and understands that singing isn't your strongest attribute but He admires your dedication!".


         Another big thing for me was to realize and accept the fact people worship differently. Some people like to sing, some like to dance, some like to scream out, some people (like me) like to sing and sway back and forth and put up their arms and close their eyes........and you get the point. So no matter what faith you are, all worship is acceptable if it is done in righteous judgement.

             One thing that has always bothered me in the LDS church was how we sang. The hymns to me can be boring and literally make me wanna cuddle up with my teddy bear and take a nap. But God revealed unto me that it doesn't matter what kind of genre of music someone worships in. If they do it in the spirit and in willing to feel the spirit, then it is righteous and precious to Him. I also realized some of the best worship songs are gentle and tender. Not loud and "crying out for repentance and for an encounter with Jesus" that I LOVE to sing. But that is more then acceptable too!

              Anyway, as you can see, music is my life. And God is a big part of that as well. But don't think I'm this hippie and Jesus Freak that worship 24/7 and is walking around singing all the time. (but my sister says I AM a freaky Jesus hippie that sings all the time....) But I do have other attributes. Like how I love to eat, cook, sleep and meet new people! I am just a girl who loves Jesus, loves her family, loves to sing and loves to worship! And loves chocolate! And that if you haven't had a one on one talk with God, do it.....NOW! Join the Jesus Freak party with me.....then maybe I can introduce you to some LDS missionaries.....Ha, Mormon problems. As I was saying, I am very friendly so get to know me! Unless you're a strange psychopath that's behind the computer screen. And here are a few uplifting scriptures! :)

             Revelation 4:11 “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

Ephesians 2:4-5 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, evenwhen we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved—



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