I think we've all been through this; Impatience. It's a human nature hard to resist. It's in instinct, I think. When you're having a stressful day, and the obstacles keep coming, and one little thing can through you off. For example, my sister is my best friend but she can drive me insane! She always asks me things at the last minute, she wants food all the time, she wants me to play with her every minute of the day and one thing I can't STAND about her is she leaves the hallway light on at night. I think that's one of my most distressing pet-peeves in the history of my pet peeves. I might also mention she will come in my room, unannounced, and stand there and not say ANYTHING. So, my reaction is always the same; "Shelby, what do you want?" and she'll respond with a shrug and say "nothing" and will walk out the room, and NOT CLOSE THE DOOR. She'll just mindlessly leaves it open, even though I've told her countless of times to close the door after you go out.

Okay, I need to calm down. See how it's easy for me to list all the many gruesome attributes about my sister that irritate me but not so quick to state all the many wonderful perks about having her as my sister? I think, as people, we do that without even thinking. It's molded in our brain, by the world, that when people annoy you, you get them right back. On the other hand, in the bible it says, "Judge not lest you be judged." As simple as that sounds that is a powerful commandment. Jesus is telling us that we cannot simply go on throughout life looking through a stained window and bickering on about people's motes in their eyes, when we have a mote in our own eyes that is needed to be taken out. It also says the bible that the meek will be blessed to inherit the earth. Personally, I think that means when Jesus comes down in the 2nd coming, that the meek people will inherit the earth with our Beloved Savior, for a millennium. Pretty awesome, right? But it comes with a price. We have to get in the healthy habit of not always being defensive or quick to react with malice and to not have a short spam on our patience.
I have countless weaknesses and one of the most frequent one is impatience. Lately, I've been having stress more and more each day. Mostly, because of school, seminary, friends issues, family issues and much more. Anything someone would say would tick me off, no matter how small or how large the comment is. I've been asking for the Lord to help me cast out this weaknesses and help me be more meek and patient but it's one of the most struggling sins I am overcoming. This is my "mote" or one of my many. I have no right to call someone outrageously impatient, when I am just the same. Maybe they are even more impatient then me but honestly, it doesn't matter. No matter what the sin, you gotta learn to judge the sin, not the sinner. Especially if you have been in the same position as the sinner.
I know I'm being a little open about me and exposing my weakest spot but I have nothing to be ashamed about. I am a daughter of God that is living on an earth full of forces of evil from the devil, that is trying to overcome me. But the difference about me is even though I am not be perfect, I can be perfect through Christ. Through my faith in Christ and my hope that someday I will be at a point where I won't be impatient. In this life or the next. (also this is my blog so I can write anything I want).
Anyway, I hope you take my advice and pray to God that he may help you on a road to recovery from a sin you've been struggling in. You don't have to hard on yourself. You have to feel remorse but also feel hope, that one day you'll over come that sin. Through Jesus. OUR AWESOME JESUS. :) And through Jesus, you will come closer to Heavenly Father then you will ever. God bless.
Galations 5:22 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding, Prov. 14:29
Continue in patience until ye are perfected, D&C 67:13