Before I state my opinion let me say this...I am not perfect. I do not know everything. And I am trying in my best ability to answer such a sensitive question, yet the answer is so simple. And I'll explain why in a second. Please, read this with a open heart and an open mind....
So, many have wondered and asked my views on Gay Marriage. I think my views are a bit biased because I've been in a position where I've been and still are friends with those in the LGBT community, which I blessed to be to this day. Know that I am not God, so thus I do not know everything. Yet I feel like it's such a taboo to be blunt with this subject. Yet I understand that we must be empathetic...I will go with a quote from one of our prophets from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, President Hinkley in response to ; "We love them and want to help them" can interpret that saying by just what it says. And I totally and completely agree with him.
If honesty is the key to life, let me say this; I would be lying to you if I said I've never had a girl crush before...what girl hasn't???? I also would be lying to you if I told you when people would previously ask me about this subject and I would simply say "Gay Marriage is okay with me" now I will set the record straight....I believe in eternal marriage through a man and wife. BUT some do not get the chance to get that a sin? No. Now, with gay marriage...I believe if those are already married and do not have any knowledge of the Gospel, they are sinless because they are knowledge-less. If I was now a missionary now and I knocked on the door and a lesbian couple answered I wouldn't give them a disgusted look. I would look at them with a warm look because as a member of this Church, I am to love one another. And I do, and I love everyone despite of their mistakes because I make mistakes. I remember in Sociology and Psychology we studied sexuality and this is what I conclude....
We are all, no matter what, are bound to face a questioning of our sexuality at least once is our life. It's natural. I've done it. Actually I considered myself bisexual for a long period of time, but then I realized it was honestly just a phase. Because that it is most of the time. "A phase"....yet, I can't help wondering how those elderly lesbian couples and elderly gay couples can stay together for so long if it is simply just "a phase"...Here's my philosophical theory...those who are gay or lesbian or etc because of their past. You cannot just say they were born that way. Maybe they were, who knows. But environmental causes can be a huge factor. Many lesbians or bisexual women or men have had a male figure that has skewed their views on men. Many have gone through physical or verbal abuse from a man. This is why I can't stress enough...MEN, LEARN YOUR MANNERS. Sometimes I cannot understand why some men can have the priesthood when they are just so rude and verbally abusive to those around them. Your mother probably did not raise you to be so vain. Like our dear old friend Snookie said "I should be become lesbian, because nearly all men are douchebags..." This was and still can be my thoughts from now and then.
Doesn't that seem sad? It does to me. In the scriptures, Paul declared that “neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.”
We are equal in the sight of the Lord. God does not prefer men over women, or women over men. Sometimes even I have to remind myself that. Neither is one sinner more preferable than the other. Gay Marriage or being gay in general isn't the only sin out there...there's being impatient, dishonest, breaking the laws of chastity, being violent and etc. It also says "Thou shalt not kill". Yet no one wants to condemn war but that's another topic for another blog.
What I'm basically saying is overall I do not agree with Gay Marriage is a sense that it should be permitted to be sealed within the temple because that's not God's plan. Now who knows, maybe in a few years, God will permit it and it will be the norm...and maybe it won't. Who knows? But for know, I am going to follow the prophet's guidance. And if gay marriage should be intact, then let it not be intact. BUT, I also believe love for all men. SO, we must be kind. Do not stop being friends because they've come out of the closest; SUPPORT THEM. Tell them what I tell my friends, "I may not agree completely with it, but I love you. And I don't care if you're gay, bi, black, blue, yellow or freaking purple. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. God's the judge, and I love you..." Don't shoot back saying they're damned to hell and you will never communicate with them again because that's just stupid and it makes you look like a homophobic mad hatter. So chill out, and count to ten and love one another and don't judge.
Peace to you, my loves. xo